Chapter 3

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When joon left, Yuna and vhee decided to go back home taking the bus while Jung went to drop sunmi at her place. Yuna and vhee walked to the bus stop. It took them about 15 minutes to reach there. Yuna was so happy she kept on smiling all the time thinking about Joon. Vhee noticed her and said....

Vhee : why are you smiling this much huh?? Your friend JOON!!! Ummhh!! Are you both dating???

*Yuna laughed at her question saying a big NO!*

Yuna : dating?? Haha no....

At home🏡_

Yuna : halmeo!! ....we are back home...

Halmeonnie : how was your day?? Did you enjoy well?

Vhee : yeah we did but halmeonnie do you know?? Yuna unnie is dating someone.

Yuna : WHAT!!!

Halmeonnie : Yuna unniee what??

vhee : yeah!!! Jung oppa also saw him. Yuna unnie and he both of them had a nice walk together there at the festival... umh!! Maybe for about an hour....and unnie kept on smiling all the time.

Halmeonnie : Yuna??? Why you didn't say this to me??? How is he?? Is he nice to you?? He loves you?? You love him??

Yuna : whattt!! You both will make me go mad..... He is just a friend. We met yesterday at the library that too accidentally. how is this possible huh?

Vhee : you mean you gonna date after spending some quality time with him??

*Vhee started teasing Yuna*

Yuna : enough!!

*Saying this Yuna stood to give vhee a kick but she ran as fast as she could... Yuna followed her shouting STOP!!*

*halmeonnie chuckled and went back to her room*

At vhee's room-

Yuna : yaaahhh who said we are dating huh.?

Vhee : i said....

*She laughed*

*Yuna sighed and sat on the bed*

Vhee : unnie are you mad on me??

Yuna : no I'm not

Vhee : do you like him???

Yuna : Huh?? Like him??
But how can I say i like him? I haven't seen his face yet.

Vhee : what??

Yuna : yes.... he refused to show his face.

Vhee : so I think you started liking him right???

Yuna : huh!! can you say isn't a joke to like someone this way. He is just a friend I met yesterday that's it!!
And you!! Just stop saying this.
Stop it!! Or else I will kick you hard.

*Vhee laughed and came to Yuna and gave her a hug saying thank you! Yuna hugged her back*

Yuna : thank you?? For what??

Vhee : for being my unnie...

*Yuna smiled*

Yuna : i love you Lil monster

Vhee : i love you moreeeeeee

Next day-

*Yuna got ready for her work. she went to the kitchen room and saw halmeonnie Making breakfast.

Yuna : good morning halmeo!!

Halmeonnie : good morning yuna! did you sleep well??

Yuna : yeah i did
Did Jung came home late last night???

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