chapter 11

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The next day:

Yuna woke up and got ready for her work.

Yuna pov : I don't want to go to work today

*She sighed*

After her work time she decided to go to Han river.

(She didn't call joon whole day)


At HAN -

Yuna : this place feels so nice everytime I visit but I'm not feeling the same today

*She sighed*

Yuna pov : why ? Why I'm feeling low today?? Huh?? Just because joon said he loves someone?
What's the problem here? He loves someone and ofc he will confess his feelings to her and they will be happy together so why the hell I'm being like this?

Yuna : Enough!! I will be normal now

*She smiled*

Saying this she had a walk over there. she headed to the bus stop listening to music. She didn't notice the bus leaving already and this was her last bus to home

Yuna's pov : i felt someone holding my hand. I turned and saw him

Yuna : joon? You here?

Joon : you want to go home?

Yuna : huh?

Joon : i guess you don't want to go home

Yuna : huh??

Joon : are you ok?

*He checked her temperature*

Yuna : I'm fine

*she said looking away*

Joon : is everything ok!

Yuna : yeah!!

*She forced a smile on her face*

Joon : lemme drop you home

Yuna : huh! No! i will take bus

Joon : bus?

Yuna : N-nee!?!

*He cupped her face and looked straight into her eyes*

Joon : Yuna!! What happen??

Yuna : N-nothing

*She said tiny sobbing*

Joon : what is it?? Are you okay??

Yuna : I'm getting late....why is the bus not here yet!

*She stepped back*

Joon : your last bus already left

Yuna : What??

Joon : yes! Lemme drop you home

Yuna : i will go by myself

Joon : you missed your bus and there is no cab here
lemme drop you home

Yuna : no worries i will manage

Joon : it's alr late Let's go...

Yuna : yaahhh!!! Stop!!! I said i will go home...

*She shouted*

Joon : ahh!! I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable but i can't leave you alone here

Yuna's pov : what!! No!! What did I just do??

Yuna : joon! I-im sorry

Joon : it's ok if you don't want to go with me but Lemme be here until you get a cab

*he faked a smile*

*A cab arrived*

Joon : here!! A cab!!

*He smiled*

Joon : Go home safely and if you feel comfortable than please text me after getting home

*Yuna didn't take the cab. she stood there making joon confuse*

*The cab left*

Joon : why didn't you go? Don't you want to go home??

Yuna : joon I'm sorry

Joon : I was waiting for your call but didn't get any, were you busy ?? Or it was just you ignoring me?

Yuna : I-i was....

Joon : I'm going out of station for a week

Yuna : huh? Wae?

Joon : it's a business trip

*Yuna stepped forward and gave him a hug*

Yuna : I'm sorry

Joon : what happen? Why are you so sad?

*He patted her head*

Yuna : I'm feeling better here

Joon : Glad

*He placed a kiss on her head*

Yuna : there is something making me sad

*she said hugging him tight*

Joon : what is it ?

Yuna : how to explain ?

Joon : take your time

*She just hugged him all the time*

Joon : Yuna!!! It's cold. let's go back home

*he smiled when he noticed her sleeping in his embrace*

*He took her to his place*

*placing her on the bed he made her sleep comfortably
He sad beside Yuna(sleeping) and placed a kiss on her forehead*

Joon : sleep well!

*he whispered*

*He smiled and sat beside her reading a book*

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