Chapter 16

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At morning:

Yuna woke up early and decided to go out for walk. it was snowing out.

Yuna's pov : ahh!! It's so cold out there... I must dress warm *sigh*

*She walked down the street admiring the beautiful snowfall*

Yuna : "I love nature covered with snow"

*She smiled*

*After having a good time there she headed back to home*

At home🏡:

Halmeoniee : Good morning Yuna

Yuna : Good morning halmeonnie!!

*She went back to her room and got ready for her work*

Yuna's pov : why do I feel dizzy today??

*She sat on the bed but the pain was getting worst*

Yuna's pov : ah my head!! Why is it aching so badly?
I can't go to work today with this pain

*She went to the kitchen to make coffee*

*After drinking coffee She rested all day long*

The next day:

It was 9 at morning. Yuna is not feeling well today. she decided to take off from work but there's a meeting today which she can't miss.
She woke up and got ready for work.
Her health condition was not that good for her to go to her workplace

*She called tae*

Yuna : hello!!

Tae : hey!! How are you!?

Yuna : yes I'm fine

Tae : glad!!

Yuna : tae i need a help

Tae : nee? What is it?

Yuna : can you please drop me at my workplace? Jung isn't home and I'm not feeling like taking a bus today so..

Tae : you don't have to explain it..
I will be there in 15 minutes

Yuna : ok!! Thanks

*She ended the call*

In car:

*Tae noticed Yuna ill*

Tae : Yuna

Yuna : nee

Tae : are you ok??

Yuna : yes i am

Tae's pov : is she really okay!? She don't seem so

*He dropped Yuna at her workplace and left*

At workplace:

Yuna attended the meeting.
She bought herself coffee. she sat at her place and started working on her leftover works sipping coffee in between

*Her phone ranged and she picked*

Joon : hello!! Yuna are you ok??

Yuna : huh!? Yes I'm ok! Wae?? What happen!!

Joon : are you hiding something??

Yuna : huh! Hiding?

Yuna's pov : ahh my head aching again...

*She immediately ended the call*

The pain was worsening making her feel dizzy and weak...she rested there for a while and then headed back home.
That wasn't a good travel for her from office to home but she managed to get home safely

At home🏡:

*No one was home at that time*

Yuna unlocked the door and made her way straight toward her room. She wanted to inform halmeonnie about her Illness but she didn't do that
Suffering alone she locked herself in her room. she cried badly as her headache was getting terrible.
She wasn't in a condition to go meet a doctor nor she was able to inform anyone.

At night halmeonnie and vhee came back home.

Halmeonnie : oh!! Yuna is back

Vhee : yes! She must be sleeping already

Halmeonnie : nee

Yuna got high fever out of her headache. she shivered all night. She was so weak to get off from her bed to go get coffe for her from the kitchen.

*She laid on the bed covering herself with duvet*

At morning:

Yuna managed to wake up

Yuna : halmeonnie where are you?

*She whispered*

*She went to the living room*

Halmeoniee : Good morning yu...

*She looked at yuna's dull and pale face*

Halmeoniee : Yuna? What happen?Are you ok?

*She came to Yuna*

Yuna : halmeonnie!! I'm not feeling well

Halmeoniee : why didn't you inform me?

Yuna : i found no one when i got home

Halmeoniee : And i didn't even check on you last night
I thought not to disturb you.. Yuna I'm sorry

*She hugged her*

Halmeoniee : whatt ! You are burning, You have high fever

Yuna : Please!! I will die..

Joon : YUNA!!!!

*He shouted from the entrance*

Yuna : what!  Joon!??

*He entered the living room letting yuna stare him in shock*

Joon : Yuna!

Yuna : joon! You here?

*He came straight to her. he cupped her face and found out she having High fever*

Joon : you have high fever

*He looked into Yuna's eyes worrying*

Joon : why didn't you inform me yesterday about it

Yuna : joon can I hug you?

*He pulled her in a warm hug*

Yuna : I'm not feeling well

Joon : let's go to doctor

*Yuna broke the hug and looked into his eyes*

*he noticed yuna's nose bleeding*

Joon : Yuna !!

*Yuna fell into his embrace and closed her eyes in unconcious*

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