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Saitama sighed heavily as he sat on the curb; he had just been kicked out of his apartment for taking down the gang. As it turns out the group he was going to turn in for their bounty so he could pay the rent were working with the landlady. Who in turn kicked him out due to loss of extra funds. 'Well, at least Hana wasn't here to witness our sudden homelessness.' Saitama picked up a stuffed bunny from Hana's large box of things he had hurriedly thrown in. 'The only good thing from that night is that the police told me I could still pick up each of those guys' bounty.'

He leaned back against the brick wall looking up at the stars in silence. He thought about the last few hours.


Saitama looked up at the building that the old man's directions had led him to and to his surprise it was his and Hana's apartment building. Scratching his head he looked down at the paper again sighing in frustration. "Just as I thought, these are our apartments. Man, it's just my luck that I would move us next to a bunch of crooks. No wonder rents are so low."

Just then a man, with a blue Mohawk wearing a red jacket with a purple button-up shirt and black dress pants, walked by talking loudly on the phone. Listening closely Saitama heard him speaking about someone repaying their debts. 'No doubt about it this is the right place. Just have to find out which door.'

"Hey! Do you know where to find Niya Niya Loan?" He asked.

The man paused mid-sentence and gave him a glare hoping it would scare him away. "Huh, you need a loan or somethin'?"

"No, that's not it, I have business with them."

"What the? Then find it yourself. I'm busy right now dumbass!" The man spoke before walking off and continuing his conversation.

Saitama shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards the apartment building. 'Might as well I've got nothing else better to do.'

With that thought he approached the first door 101. "I hope this is their base of operations." He knocks on the door. "I would hate to go to every door."

"Huh? Who is it?" A familiar voice spoke behind the door. Saitama panicked as he realized that the voice was that of the landlady. As the door opened he quickly leapt up planking himself between the wall and the support beam like some international spy.

"Did you come to pay your rent?" The old woman looked around the pathway in confusion before huffing in annoyance as she closed the door.

'That was close!' He thought as he dropped, making sure that he wasn't heard. 'I had no idea who was in that room!'

Breathing a sigh of relief he knocks on 102 it only took a moment for a sweaty balding man to peek his bushy-bearded face out into the sunlight. "H-hello?"

"Oh hi, I'm looking for Niya Niya Loan. Do I have the right room?"

"Niya Niya Loan you said?"

"Yeah, I heard that they operate from these apartments."

"Well, not from this room." The man quickly closed the door after that, ending their short conversation.

Saitama shrugged, turning to leave when the door opened once more. "Hey, you!" He was horrified to see that the man had stepped out in full pink see-through lingerie showing off his fat hairy body while holding a white stuffed bunny. "I don't know whoever it is you're after. But be careful with which room you visit. Not everyone in this building is as nice as I am."

"O-okay. I see." Was all Saitama could utter to be distracted by the man's state of dress. He shuddered as the man turned, giving him a full view of his behind as he closed the door. 'And on that note, it's time to check the other side. Man, would it be rude to tell Hana not to play outside anymore?'

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