The start of our Journey

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It's been two months since Hana agreed to live with Saitama in his little apartment in Z-City. A lot had happened in that time during the first month Saitama had decided adopting her would be beneficial down the line especially if wanted to enroll into school next year.

According to Saitama, adopting her  ,which he explained was him claiming her as his daughter, was scarily too easy to do especially for a six year old with no records of existing. But they decided to "chalk it up as a win" as Saitama had put it.

The second month was spent going to odd jobs with Saitama , gathering a wardrobe, and practicing for her placement test which was too easy. Back at their lab they did a lot of testing on her brain's comprehension of different things she learned. It was the first thing they modified saying they didn't want a dumb weapon. The only problem was the modifications were too good; she had developed what they called photographic memory. Her test scores only proudly displayed her steady flow of knowledge that she learned she enjoyed growing further. To ease her boredom during his working hours Saitama decided they would stop by their local library each day to pick up a new book each day which would only last until the end of his work shift.

It was there when he found out about her other two enhancements to doctors so "kindly" gifted her. He had let her lose so she could explore the mathematics section which seemed to be her favorite as he went to talk to the librarian. As she was searching through the endless books she found one that peaked her interest the only problem was it was out of reach. Peering around the shelves she made sure no one was looking before weightlessly took flight towards the top shelf grabbing the book that caught her eye. Unfortunately she miscalculated how far up the book was and accidentally knocked the shelves down causing a domino effect on the shelves behind it. Wincing at the destruction she caused she looked towards the front taking in the shocked faces of Saitama and the librarian.

"Oops sorry don't w-worry I- I can fix it!"  She quickly stammers out as she starts to pick up the large heavy book shelves placing them back in their original spot. This only shocked the two adults further as they snapped out of their stupor when they noticed Hana placing the displaced books in neat ordered piles to be reorganized. Safe to say the librarian had a good laugh only saying, " Dearie it's quite alright nothing like a bit of excitement to get the morning going besides now I have something to do today besides now I have something to do today besides hopefully waiting for another avid reader like yourself.", when all Saitama could do is apologize profusely hoping that she wouldn't banne them.Yes her time with Saitama was quite eventful indeed.

The two were walking home from another job rejected as she's been told by a depressed Saitama. It's been a month since their routine has changed a bit. The librarian had offered to look after Hana while Saitama was out job hunting. So Hana had been spending her time in a book filled with bliss while Saitama was stuck in a rejected sorrow.

Saitama let out a defeat sigh as he looked down at Hana who was softly humming a tune she recently heard on television letting out one of her rare smiles.
'Well at least one of us is happy. I'm glad she's becoming more comfortable. She's been smiling more recently.' His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of people screaming and running past them he winced as Hana's hand tightened around his own as the control of her strength slipped due to nervousness.

"A monster run!" A man screamed as he ran past.

Saitama picked Hana up, giving her back a reassuring pat getting ready to bolt but it was too late the crab creature terrorizing the street was already in front of them laughing menacingly.

"Huh? You sure you don't want to run away with your little zoea?" It said as he let out another menacing but silly laugh.

Saitama let out a tired and defeated sigh confusing the crab monster. "I bet you're a newly employed businessman already tired of work. It's quite honorable to pick up your child from school instead of letting your wife handle it." The monster teased. "I ate too much crab and transformed into this, Crablante! Why aren't you running?" Hana turned head into Saitama's neck scrunching her face in confusion as to why he was telling them his backstory; this was weird.

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