1: Maeve Vettel

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Max's point of view:

'What the fuck Horner? Why the fuck would you fucking trade Perez for a rookie?!', I yell at Christian standing in front of me.

'She was the best driver in her F2 season, she was great at Alpha Tauri last season. We give her a great car and she'll be a world champion in no time', Christian is trying to explain it to me. I mean, I'm definitely not dumb, It's not that I don't have the balls to race a girl, it's just... it's fucking unfair to her.

'Oh for fuck sake Christian, I am the world champion and not ready to share the title yet! Especially with...' Christian shakes his head.

'With what? A girl? Is that what you wanted to say, Max? Well maybe, maybe Vettel will change your mind!'. I look at him, what is he saying?

'Why the fuck would he care?'. I start thinking... Alpha Tauri... F2... fuck it's...

'She's Maeve Vettel', Christian yells. 'You better have grown a pair before next week, if you do not, you will see how fast your seat is given away... how about... mhm how about Hamilton?'.

He grabs his jacket. 'Go fuck yourself Horner!', I yell, but too late, he's gone already.

'Fuck', I whisper. I grab my phone and open it.

My whole feed is filled with articles, I have been texted a thousand times. 'Maeve Vettel? How do you feel?' --> 'Max, are you winning any races this year with Maeve at Redbull?' --> 'Will you go to Mercedes after this season?'. Fuck sake.

I open my messages and see the one at the top

~ 'Hey old buddy,  wanna go trinken? Alten zeiten? By the way, have you noticed my daughter joining Red Bull yet? You must be thrilled... call me, Verstappen'.

Jesus, I guess there's no escaping...

The next week

Maeve's point of view:

I hear knocking on the door. 'Yes? Who is it?', I walk to the door and open it.

I see them standing there,  the two prettiest best friends I know. 'Wanna hug?', I ask, opening my arms.

'No, because why the fuck did we JUST find out that our best friend is joining the best team at Formula One?', Sienna storms into my apartment.

'Sienna, we should be supporting Ferrari', Luciana walks in after her. Sienna looks annoyed.

'My fucking point exactly, just kidding babe but WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US? I had to find out from my annoying brother who, If I may say so, is always wrong. And you know I don't like that so then I was like Carlito please be honest with me is it true, you're just fucking with me AND HE SAID NO WATCH THE NEWS AND I WATCHED THE NEWS AND HE WAS RIGHT', she yells.

Sienna crosses her arms, I can't help but laugh. 'Oh god Maeve please don't lau-', Luci wants to finish her sentence but gets cut.

'HOW DARE YOU LAUGH! Maeve Hanna Heike Vettel I am not fucking kidding'. Sienna steps forward and points her finger in my face, I hug her and I immediately feel her hands around me, she can't stay mad for long, even tho she has that Latina temper.

'God, I missed you, my sweet Maevie bear'. I hold her extra close. 'Come Luci', I grab her hand and include her in our hug, she is the quiet one in our friend group, but she appreciates some good hugs.

'I missed you too guys, now let me explain everything', I tell them. Sienna laughs, 'You better, you're basically sleeping with the devil'. I laugh, she's fucking right.

'So, Horner came to me and he was like, Maeve, we'd like for you to come and test the Monza circuit, I was like, wait why? He told me it was because FIA wanted him to, because of safety or something. It sounded legit. I drove in a F1 car and when I got out he looked so proud. He said something like, told you didn't I? And I looked around and MY DAD WAS STANDING THERE. Then they told me that Red Bull fits me and that I should sign a one-year contract, just to see how it feels. To keep a long story short, I signed'.

Sienna has been sipping the same amount of wine for 15 minutes now. 'Okay one more time please?', Luci asks. I laugh, get up, and grab the empty bottles of wine.

'I have already told you a zillion times, why do you still ask me to repeat?'. Sienna looks at Luci.

'Dear god, I wonder if your dad allows you to stay friends with her', Sienna grabs her hand, 'I'll be here sweetie pie, don't worry'. Luci laughs.

'Oh my god, you're drunk, my dad doesn't have anything to say about with whom I am friends, by the way, Vettel has driven for Ferrari, you didn't forget that right? Wait, wasn't your brother the one to replace him?', Luci grabs Sienna's glass and puts it down.

'Give me back my fucking wine you psycho, I don't have a fucking brother, moron. These fucking housekeepers lately, bring me my suitcase, I'm going to Spain'.

Sienna wants to stand up but falls down. I run to grab her hand. 'Please call her brother, she's wasted, I can't let you two go home alone', I tell Luci and give her my phone.

Luciana's point of view:

'I'm so so so sorry!', I try to wave to Carlos, but Sienna is leaning on me.

'Please don't apologize Muchacha, she likes to get herself knock-out drunk', Carlos throws Sienna over his shoulder and walks to his car, he opens the back door and lays her down. God, he's hot.

Oh god, no I shouldn't have thought that... I just like guys with accents, Spanish or French I don't care.

'Well, I should go. Are you coming to the meeting next Wednesday?', he walks towards me and smiles, my heart drops.

'N-no, my dad doesn't allow me in the meetings because I broke my phone... just an accident, I swear'. I laugh awkwardly, Carlos looks strangely.

'But... when are you talking to us about the content then?'. I shake my head, what the F is he talking about?

'Carlos, what are you saying?'. He has this weird look on his face. 'Luci, you do know you're the new Ferrari content creator? Tatjiana is pregnant so they needed a replacer, your dad said you'd do it'. I shake my head, what?

'My dickhead father, god Carlos I'm sorry I have no idea, I will make sure to get the records straight'. I feel betrayed or something.

'No problemo, I understand, be careful and have a goodnight, Adios', He gets in the car and drives away. I close the door, turn off the lights, and go to my bedroom, I open my cell phone and search for his number ~   ~ I call it.

'Oui, mon cherie?', he answers. 'No, pas de 'Mon cherié'. Cut the fucking bullshit, Papa, why did Sainz just tell me that I am Ferrari's new content creator?'. I am furious.

'You wanted a new start? With more clients and jobs? Here you have it, why aren't you happy?'. He tells me.

'Why the fuck would this be a new start if I'm still working for my daddy?'. He lets out a sigh.

'My dearest daughter, my only daughter, your mom is dead, don't you understand why I want to keep you close?'. I roll my eyes.

'Toi, imbécile, you know I can't get mad when you say that, please just... don't interfere with my life anymore... even though you are my dad'. He laughs.

'So you'll do it? It's great hun and you know it', He's right, It's an amazing opportunity. 'I'll think about it', I say. 'It's a salary of 50k a month, mon cherié'. I almost choke.

'You know what, count me in'. I hear my dad laughing. 'Dors bien, mon cherié'. I lay down in bed. 'Goodnight Dad'.

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