24 | in the middle of the betrayal

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''Excuse us! 104th Training Corps! Sasha Braus and Y/n L/n!''

The two girls entered HQ, each of them clad in their green cloaks. Sasha carried paper with her as the two of them neared Hange, who was with Eren, Mikasa and Armin, as well as another man. Once they'd split from Sasha's father and his group, the two had rushed over to HQ to report about the breach of Wall Rose to Commander Erwin, who in turn had sent them to deliver a message to Squad Leader Hange Zoe.

''We have a message for you, Squad Leader,'' Y/n said. She made eye contact with Hange for a moment — their eyes were wide, though eyebrows were furrowed with curiosity — as Sasha tried to hand over the paper.

''You must find her at once. She may be able to tell you truths that even we do not know,'' the man said.

Realizing they'd interrupted something, Y/n and Sasha quickly took a few steps back, standing behind everyone.

''That's all the information I can share,'' the man said. ''You must do the rest yourselves.''

''If that girl is in the 104th, she'll be on the front lines right now,'' Hange said.

Y/n furrowed her brows. What girl? Was there yet another mystery within the 104th? How many weird people had been in her grade?

''L-Let's go!'' Eren called as he stared running backwards. ''We have to go now!'' As he ran, he ended up bumping into Y/n, sending her to the ground.

''Ouch!'' Y/n said as she fell on her ass, looking up at Eren with anger. ''Hey, watch it!''

''Y/n!'' Eren quickly extended his hand out to her and helped her up. ''Sasha, too?''

''What are you two doing here?'' Mikasa asked.

Sasha's eyes widened. ''Right!'' She quickly pushed through Eren, Mikasa and Armin, rushing over to Hange. ''A few minutes ago, we reported to the Commander! We were instructed to deliver this message to you, Squad Leader!''

Sasha held out the paper to a confused-looking Hange. ''Message? Thank you. Good work.''

Y/n looked at Eren, Armin and Mikasa. ''Have you guys seen Jean?''

Mikasa nodded. ''He's okay. Don't worry about him, we have other things to do.'' Y/n wanted to roll her eyes and walked over to Sasha, who'd magically acquired a steamed potato.

Y/n chuckled. ''No wonder people still call you Potato Girl.''

Sasha scoffed, talking with her mouth full and letting her dialect slip. ''Shaddap!''

''Just now, I finally received a copy of Annie Leonhart's background check.''

Y/n perked up at her words. Annie? Why would they investigate . . . Holy fuck. Annie was actually the Female Titan?


''Yeah. Our records are a mess right now, so it took them forever to dig this up. It says that there were two people in the 104th Training Corps who acme from the same area as her. The names of those two are Reiner Braun and Bertoldt Hoover.''

Y/n's eyes widened. They . . . were her accomplices? Reiner, who just yesterday wanted to help Connie sneak back to his village? Who was always there to help if someone needed it?

''Thanks to the chaos five years ago, the family records for all three of them are spotty or missing. However . . . During the long-range scouting formation, each unit was given different information. Their unit was told that Eren was in the right wing.''

Armin's eyes widened. ''The right wing is where the Female Titan first attacked!''

''Huh? What does that mean?'' Sasha asked.

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now