Anniversary 🎊🎉🎉🎉

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Hey everybody!
It's been a year since I wrote this book on exactly December 2!
And I just wanted to say thank you for all of you guys support and attention paid to this small book.
This was my first book I wrote.
I was either twelve of thirteen.
It was the summer of 2020.
Sure my motivation fell flat during the pandemic, but I managed to get every chapter out.
I'd say my biggest struggle with this book was the plot, I hated books with so much conflict that it got predictable.
But I soon began to realize that's what my book was missing, conflict to hook the reader.
So again thank you to all you lovely people!
Whom has seen me grow in more way then one.

~Panther~+* |My Hero Academia x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now