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I was watching the front doors since we opened, it was going on 9am and Vic hasn't even showed up. What if my teasing seemed intentional? What if he was mad at me?

I bit my lip and focused on my tables. The busier we got the less I looked at the door while I sipped my water. Maybe he was sleeping in. I just needed to stay calm.

I was walking back towards the coffees when I saw a bike sitting outside, I paused as I set the coffee pot down and slowly looked around the diner. I set me eyes on his MC brother but not Vic. I nodded with a smile at Kiwi and he nodded back.

I took that as a sign he wasn't coming in for breakfast and I hustled for my tables and tips and make sure to keep Kiwi stocked on snacks and drinks since he seemed to be the one to watch over me today.

I walked around until my lunch and then I took my sandwich outside to sit in the sun a little more. I had some fries and even got a soda for a pick me up. I ate in silence, made sure I didn't leave much so the cooks didn't hassle me about not eating, and I headed back in. My feet had gotten a little relief and I was back for the mild lunch rush.

I walked over to Kiwi and he was joking with me a little for expecting someone else and I shook my head as I giggled and then I felt it. Someone watching me.

I checked the tables to see if anyone was looking for a check, but they were all still eating and a couple singles in a booth and the tables were still looking at menus.

I walked past one and he set the menu down and smiled at me. "Oh, ready?" I asked and clicked my pen.

"What do you recommend. I think I saw you eating something outside, you work here, gotta have the inside scoop." He set his menu down and I smiled wide. Sometimes when people "flirted" it was their personality, and 80% of the time if you're nice they leave a big tip.

"I'm a sandwich girl, I eat anything on bread." I giggled and he nodded. "I had the Cajun fries, the turkey club with added bacon, and then a simple soda. But the milkshakes are to die for."

"No free milkshakes for lunch huh?" He asked and I giggled again.

"Severely lactose when it comes to milk, which is good because our milkshakes are pure ice cream and milk, so I've heard they're really good." I told him and he nodded slowly.

"Alas, I am also lactose intolerant. No milkshakes for me unless you have sherbet." He laughed and I nodded. "How about you get me what you had. I'm in town checking out businesses and properties looking for investments, is there a busy area you'd recommend?"

"Sadly I don't get out much. I come here, I go home, I go to the grocery store. No kids so I don't know what's super popular but I have a friend who kind of invests too he owns my apartment building I can ask if he knows anything." I didn't know why I thought that would be a good idea... it was all innocent but if he gave me his number I would feel weird.

"It's ok. I like to do my own research." He smiled and it wasn't a "no thank you" it was genuinely true.

"Ok so turkey club, what kind of soda?" I asked and he of course asked what we had. I listed the row of sodas from memory and he seemed to beam at me.

"All that in your brain?" He asked and I giggled again and nodded.

"I've been working here long enough to memorize the soda machine." I told him. Once I had his order I double checked, "so turkey club, everything? Coke, light ice, and Cajun fries?" I asked and he nodded.

"Add that bacon on there." He pointed and I nodded and wrote that in. "How long is that going to take?"

"Making sure the fries are good it shouldn't be too long." I told him knowing it took less than 10 minutes in a busy kitchen for those things. "I'll be right back with your drink." I nodded and walked off.

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