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"You know what, you need a vibrator. That's what really got me into sex. An amazing orgasm." Tilly told me and I laughed. "I'm serious. I didn't have an orgasm with a man until way after I gave myself my first one. It shows what you should expect from a man. How it should feel." She told me and took a sip of her wine and I did the same only I tipped my wine up and gulped the last of it down.

"I have a friend who owns a shop, I can get you the best model. I've seen those little rose one's everywhere." Aiden pipped in as well with a huge smile on his face.

I felt my cheeks turning a bright red and I just stopped thinking about it. I didn't want one. What would I do with it? Tease myself?

"I'll get you both one so it's fair. I'll tell him you have friends and it's a little promotion." He added once he realized I wasn't going to openly accept or decline his offer.

I'd probably never even take it out of the box. But I'd thought it was a good idea and Tilly said she's tried it... I didn't want to be a prude and deny what they were trying to help me with.

I hadn't thought of that conversation past my goodbyes... but looking down at my phone on my break to see Adiens message saying it was ready for me on my doorknob I was dreading going home.

I looked out at the diner and saw the prospect that Victor had left behind this morning after eating. He said he would be back to collect me after my shift, he was going to shower and change and pack and bag and I gave him my keys to drop things off.

His kiss this morning was leg melting and when he saw that he had smirked and told me he liked my taste. Nothing else, no other talks of moving forward with other things besides kisses.

He kissed me quick when he was leaving on my temple because I was changing out the coffeee grounds and my hands were gross. But would it be different in public and private?

Would he make me quiver and moan at home and be more respectful and reserved in public?

It made me feel safe that he wasn't pushing for anything. Not that my ex did... he waited for me to be comfortable with things moving forward but at the same time... he was my first everything.

Victor was always my deepest desires...I've had fever dreams, horny thoughts, and needs. I wanted to try everything with him, everything I've seen on Tv and movies, read in books, heard through gossip.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing staring at the dish water?" I jumped and turned to my boss, the owner really, Daniel, who as much to my dismay, seemed excited when I walked in with Victor and was told I would be taking less hours.

"Just thinking." I told him with a shrug and pushed my phone into my back pocket.

"About Victor? I've been waiting for that kid to get his head out of his ass for the last decade." He laughed as he moved to rest on the lockers we keep our stuff in.

"Him. Us living together. Seems so fast." I told him and he laughed as he got up to stretch now.

"Once you get to be my age, losing all that I've lost... going fast just means you'll have time to be happy longer. Trust me... everyone always wants more time." I could remember every one of his losses over the last decade of working. His sister, his father, then his mom, and then his wife. He didn't have kids... but he knew loss.

"So you think I should just go with it?" I asked him to be sure and he smirked and then snorted before laughing outright.

"I'm not your father... just your boss. I can tell you to run and hide... but I know this is what you have always wanted. What that little overthinker wants too. I told you, he's watched out for you for years, at first I thought it was an older brother thing... but he always looks at your ass when you bend over." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. Many guys did that. Some liked to comment on it like this was a bar or a strip club. It didn't help in the summers I wore shorts that really showed it off.

Fuse (Hell Raisers MC Book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें