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Bruce wasn't alone in his study that evening as Aman joined him for tea. He had been expecting his company as he could see there was a lot on Aman's mind that he wanted to ask from him.

Aman was much older than Calmia and had treated her more as he would treat his child than a younger sister. He knew Calmia mattered a lot to him, and so did her happiness and well-being.

So it was quite expected of him to try to get to know the man whom her sister had married just to make sure that there were no problems in their relationship. Perhaps that was why instead of sending all the stuff from Egypt, he had personally come to Gotham to see for himself that Calmia was doing well.

Bruce felt slightly queasy under the observant and thoughtful gaze of Aman Hardin. It was almost as if the man was silently trying to decipher him on his own, able to see through the mask he put on for others.

Aman's features were also a stoic mask, not betraying whatever he was thinking at the moment. His brown eyes which were similar to Calmia's were focused on him but no word had yet passed his lips.

In a sense, Bruce was getting a taste of his own medicine, receiving silent treatment from a person who held an advantage over him.

As Calmia's older brother, Bruce needed to show him respect too so at the moment, he was being very thoughtful of his actions.

"I hope you are finding your stay comfortable so far," he spoke up at last in an attempt to break the unnerving silence between them.

"I am," Aman replied, his gaze unwavering, "your house is nothing short of a palace."

"Thank you. It has been in the family for about three generations."

"I see."

Silence gripped them again and Bruce realized exactly how other people felt each time he ignored them or didn't resume the conversation with them.

Perhaps there was a language or cultural barrier and for Aman, it might be normal to silently have their tea while mentally picking apart the other person's actions. it would not have affected Bruce as much if that sort of treatment came from anyone else.

But as it was coming from Calmia's elder brother, the whole situation was different. Alarming even as if Aman was reconsidering his sister's choice and not approving of it at all.

"You look worried," Aman remarked after a long pause, "is anything the matter?"

"Not really."

"You perhaps don't feel comfortable with me here."

He shook his head, "No, not at all. I am glad you could join me for tea. It's just that you..."

"I am silent? That might be it."

"Yes, perhaps." Bruce noticed as Aman's features relaxed and he took a sip of the strong dark liquid.

"I want to talk to you about Calmia but I can't seem to find the right words," he spoke up at last, revealing the reason for his silence. 

"Oh... Please go ahead, you don't have to worry about the right words. I will understand," Bruce assured him.

He nodded, a frown creasing his forehead slightly, "She is happy here, I see that. Good. And she has people to care for her judging by the surprisingly large family you have. I was told people in the States don't let the number of members increase from four. Here I could count twice the number on just my entrance."

Bruce smiled, feeling the tension inside him release as Aman was expressing himself by then. All that silence had made him feel as if something had disappointed him but that didn't seem to be the case.

"You're right about that, my family might be an exception here," he replied, "I took them in when they were all very young and after so many years, I have gotten accustomed to having them around. So I never told them to leave."

"Yes and I am not saying it's a bad thing," he interjected, "in Egypt, you easily find families twice this size."

"Yes, I imagine."

"What I am trying to say is that Calmia has a habit of caring too much for others and neglecting herself entirely. Your family is important to her and I think she cares for them in the same way she does for our family. Make sure that she doesn't get too burdened with looking after everyone that she forgets to take care of herself."

Bruce could understand where his perspective was stemming from. Camia was indeed caring to a self-sacrificial extent when it came to the people she loved. She would often end up neglecting her health and well-being to look after others who mattered to her.

But she was no longer alone in that case. Bruce was there to take care of her even if she forgot to look after herself. He was going to be there to remind her and be with her every step of the way.

"I have always worried about her," Aman resumed, "She was always so focused on her work, dedicated to her projects. I wanted her to find someone who could bring balance to her life, someone who could make her happy. And she seems to have found that person in you."

Bruce nodded, "I understand that very well. Calmia has become an integral part of my life too and I can't even think of living without her."

Aman was observing his expressions closely, judging for himself that there was no lie behind those words. "I have also been worried about leaving her in Gotham considering how worse the crime situation is here. But I think I can trust you to keep her safe."

"Certainly. You have my word on that. I will keep her safe and happy to the best of my ability."

"Don't let her down, Bruce. That's all I ask of you," he remarked finally, brown eyes piercing through pale blue, "because if you do, I will make you pay for it."

The conversation had taken an abrupt turn but it wasn't unexpected. Aman was in his way warning him that if anything bad happened to Calmia on his watch, he would come flying back to Gotham right next moment to hold Bruce accountable for it.

It was a sweet gesture but also somewhat terrifying to be on the receiving end of that sharp warning. 

"I won't let her down, I promise."

Aman's eyes had narrowed ever so slightly and Bruce seemed to be holding his breath as if waiting for a final verdict.

At last, the man dropped the stare and turned his attention back to the cup in his hands, "you reckon I could get another serving?"

"Excuse me, what?"

"Tea, Bruce. Can I get some more?" The corners of his lips twitched as if amused to see Bruce's reaction.

But Bruce quickly composed himself as he nodded, "Of course. Alfred must have brewed more tea for the others. I will be right back."

With that, he stepped out of the study and let out a sigh of relief. 

Aman Hardin was unpredictable and by then it was quite certain that aside from Alfred, there was one more person who held the ability to make Bruce self-conscious.

In all that he had seen so far, he was sure that Aman wanted the best for his sister. And if Bruce made any mistake, there was a high chance he would make him regret all his life decisions.


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