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The training hall was dimly lit as the mother and son entered. Damian knew she would pick swords as the weapon so he went to adjust the lights, watching her examine the different types of swords displayed in the glass casing.

By the time he stepped into the combative ground, she had picked out a katana so Damian did the same, picking his favorite katana to spar with her. They took their positions across from each other; Talia's lithe figure was formidable in the lights haloing around her while Damian, though slightly shorter than her, also held a determined stance.

Talia knew he wanted to talk to her but wouldn't interrupt during the sparring session so she too put the current matter on delay for a while.

"Remember, Damian, this is not a practice match. I will fight you with all my strength, and you must do the same."

"I know, Mother, I am ready."

He had called her Mother instead of Ummi, she noticed, twirling her sword in her hand. She knew he only resorted to calling her that instead of addressing her as Ummi whenever he was slightly on edge due to her words or behavior.

With a final nod from Talia, the sparring match began and they circled each other cautiously. Talia let him go for a strike first, blocking his katana with her own effectively. The sound of metal clashing against each other filled up the tense silence between them.

Each strike and parry was executed precisely as the mother and son battled in the training hall. Talia's sharp eyes were following each move her son executed, seeing for herself that he had improved a lot from when they had last sparred together.

Her strikes were rapid and her sword was a blur but he was able to deflect and counter each blow. Training with the Bat had definitely made him stronger and increased his endurance such that he could easily match her skill.

She could see that Damian was reading her moves to anticipate the next one, a trait that he hadn't had earlier. He had always been aggressive back in the League and sometimes, that aggression became his weakness. But right then, he wasn't lashing out like he would have done so a few years prior.

He was making calculated strikes, using his knowledge of her technique to balance the fight.

An appreciative smile graced her lips as they finally withdrew the match. Damian had definitely gotten a lot better at sword fighting and she felt she should appreciate his progress.

"Impressive," she remarked, sheathing hr sword at last, "you fight like my equal."

He dipped his head in a nod, putting his sword back in the case, "I am learning from the best."


There was a while of silence between them as Talia wa still standing in the combative ground, waiting for him to say something. But the abrupt and volatile Damian she knew had also learned to exercise calm as he didn't say a word, sitting down on the steps.

The match was over and they had enough time and privacy to talk about what had just happened at breakfast but Damian's silence made her wonder whether it was a good idea to talk things out or not.

But that silence didn't stay between them for long.

"You said you would be nice for my sake," he reminded her, breaking the heavy silence at last, knowing she would understand where his words were directed.

"And that's exactly what I have been doing so far," she replied, tilting her head to face him, "on the contrary, your family has been rather unwelcoming."

"What did you say to Miss Calmia?"

"Nothing." She saw that he was still looking at her with that expression which meant he knew she was lying to him. So she rolled her eyes, putting her sword back as well, and came to sit on the steps beside him. "Maybe I said something but didn't think it would have much of an impact."

He sighed softly, "Mother..."

"Damian, what do you expect?" She had folded her arms defiantly, lips pursing into a slight frown, "your father decides to marry an ordinary woman and all of you accept her. Is that not supposed to make me feel terrible? What does she have that I don't?"

Damian pursed his lips into a frown too, both their expressions mirroring each other, "I don't want to say anything that would make you feel more terrible. However, I think you shouldn't compare yourself to her."

"And why not?"

"Because both of you are different. You are my mother and she is a friend, she is not going to take your place," he tried to reassure her.

"And your father loves her... That's what is different between us too." Her voice was laced with bitterness but the slight tinge of pain couldn't be fully masked behind it still. 

She was hurt that despite devoting herself to Bruce, she still couldn't take the place Calmia had in his heart. It hurt her and made her bitter enough to react pettily just like she had done so the night before.

Damian shrugged, "I am not the best person to talk about how Father feels. But he has taken this decision after a lot of thought. He didn't marry her just on an impulse."

"I don't like her," she spoke resolutely, looking ahead of her like a stubborn child refusing to back down from a wrong decision.

"And that's fine. I am not asking you to like her," he replied, making her turn to look at him in surprise, "you and Miss Calmia have nothing to do with each other so there's no use in you liking her. But at the same time, please don't actively hate her. She doesn't deserve that."

"What is she? An angel that would get very hurt on being hated?"

"Ummi, hating her is not going to turn things back to how they used to be," he was trying his best to say things without hurting her but he knew she had a volatile nature and could get angry at him too. "I am your son and I always will be. She's not going to take your place and the respect that exists in my heart. I am saying that with assurance because you have a right to me as my mother. But you don't have a right on Father, whatever was between you two has ended. So bringing it all up again is going to hurt you too. Don't hurt yourself."

Talia didn't say anything out of shock as it felt like it was the longest conversation she had had with her son. Damian never spoke that much but right then not only were his words very immaculate but he was also trying to make her understand things from a rational point of view.

"What do you want me to do then?" She asked with a resigned sigh, looking down at her hands that were clasped together to keep the anger retained in her veins.

"I just want you to stay over here without hurting yourself or anyone else. If that's not possible, then I can go with you to the base and we can spend some time together. I have a few days off from school coming up, I think I can take a break."

She paused, considering his suggestion, "so you will come with me if I decide to leave Gotham?"

"If you want me to, that is. I will have to be back by next week though."

She nodded, standing up at last, "alright, I'll pack and we can leave by evening. You must talk to Beloved and let me know if he allows you to go."

Damian knew it would be better if he went with Talia for the time being as in that way he would be able to make her believe that there was nothing to feel insecure about. He didn't want Talia to harbor any hatred towards Calmia or vice versa.

So if he had to go to the base for a few days in order to ensure that things ran smoothly for all of them in the future, he would try his best and do all in his power to solve that slight rift between the two women.


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