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Contrary to Bruce's worries, the wedding proceeded without any hazards even though the entire Bat clan was there to cook up a mess. But it seemed as if Richard and Barbara's attempts to make them all disciplined and not cause any ruckus must have worked very well. They were all happy to be part of such a memorable day in Bruce's life so they refrained from doing anything that could ruin it.

His best friend Clark delivered a very touching Best Man speech, and from Calmia's side, Jade had the honor of speaking up as the Maid of Honor.

And after all the formalities were done with, Bruce and Calmia were officially joined in the wedding knot. 

Calmia looked stunning and Bruce found that he could simply not take his eyes off her for even a second. 

In all his life of darkness in which he had struggled to keep the shadows at bay and protect his city with all he had, never once had he thought about his self and his life. 

He had kept on striving to protect his city from every shadow that lurked around it and as a result, he hadn't realized when he too started living with the shadows that had become such a huge part of his life.

But that day, seeing Calmia holding his hands as they recited their vows, he felt each shadow dissolve away as a warm comforting light engulfed him. 

She was the light to his darkness, the only person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She had held his hand and helped him out when he was at his lowest and the light she had shown him was what he wanted to keep in his life forever.

Light music began to play shortly after and the newlywed couple took to the center of the venue decorated with beautiful russet flowers and leaves. Bruce could see Jason and Tim in the corner right next to the DJ, probably arguing about which song should be played for light dancing. But they were soon out of sight as the rest of the guests came to the dance floor as well.

Besides with Calmia so close to him and with her beautiful smile lighting up her features, there was hardly anything else he could focus on.

"You look beautiful," he whispered as he spun her around, watching that smile turn into a delighted laugh.

"Thank you," she replied, her hands softening in his gentle grip and her eyes melting into the depth of his pale blue ones, "you are looking much more handsome than usual too."

A soft smile flickered upon his features to hear that, a slight expression that was so rare upon his otherwise emotionless features yet made all the difference, "really?"


It was a moment neither would forget; probably the only time Bruce was not thinking about the darkness that engulfed Gotham and his role as Batman to diminish it. Right then he was just Bruce, dancing with the love of his life on their wedding night.

After the wedding, the Wayne boys had arranged an afterparty for the guests, and knowing them, it would be one epic disaster. So leaving his kids and friends to enjoy the disaster for themselves, when the clock struck midnight, the bride and groom excused themselves at last.

A beautifully decorated suite was waiting for them in the hotel they were staying in and no wonder they wanted to escape all the guests to be alone in each other's company.

So when they reached the hotel and Bruce held the door open for her to step into the room first, an enticing fragrance of vanilla-scented candles and roses struck them.

His arm had gently draped around her waist as he led her in, closing the door behind them and turning in the lock.

Calmia could see that whoever had decorated their room had been given clear instructions to keep it according to her preference as nothing inside screamed ostentatious or extravagant. The decorations, the furniture, and even the floral setup were all very minimalistic.

She turned to face Bruce to tell him that she loved all the effort that had been put into everything for their wedding but then paused, seeing the look in his eyes.

He was always rather hard to read but right then as his eyes were focused on her with so much love and admiration, she truly felt as if she was the luckiest woman on Earth. And that was regardless of the fact that her husband was both the city's most famous billionaire as well as a crime-fighting vigilante.

Right then she felt lucky just to be with Bruce; the man who stood underneath all the masks that he put on for others.

When he was with her, no masks were concealing his real self and she loved him for who he was deep underneath the layers that concealed him from the rest of the onlookers. 

The masks could change depending on the situation but for her, he would remain the same. No matter what the time or situation, when it concerned her, he would remain the Bruce she had fallen in love with.

His broad hands cupped her face tenderly as he leaned closer and captured her lips with his own in a delicate kiss. They had kissed very briefly back there at the venue after they had been pronounced husband and wife as everyone was watching and it did not feel that comfortable.

But at that moment in the privacy of their room, he made the kiss longer and deeper, full of all the affection that his heart held for her.

Her hands rested on his chest, holding onto the lapels of his coat as his hand trailed down to her back. From that first delicate kiss, it turned more passionate between them as he lowered her to the bed.

Her deep brown eyes looked up into his blue irises, her hands reaching out to cup his face gently. With her fingers brushing lightly over his cheek, she let him slip the dress off her, pulling him down for yet another kiss.

"Calmia, I feel so lucky to have you," he breathed and she laughed, letting him compliment her as it was always too rare for him to be verbally expressive, "I still can't believe you said yes to marrying me."

"In all fairness, your family didn't leave me much of a choice," she remarked, a playful spark dancing in her eyes.

"So it's all thanks to them that we're married now?" He asked, the smile lingering upon his features still.

"Partially," her fingers deftly undid the buttons on his shirt, "and partially because I know now that I can't spend my life with anyone else." 

Her eyes looked into his irises lovingly and he knew he couldn't think of spending his life with anyone other than Calmia either. She was everything he could wish for in a partner so it felt like a dream that he could finally call her his.

"You have no idea how much I love you, Bruce," she mumbled, leaning closer to seal her lips with his again.

Hearing those words from her made his heart flutter and skip a beat. He had never imagined a day would come when anyone saying that could make him feel so moved.

Yet there they were, entangled with each other and that confession had made all the walls he had built up around his heart otherwise come tumbling down.

"I love you too, Calmia," he mumbled through the kiss, "there's no one else I've ever felt this way for."


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