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Bruce was worried.

He felt he had been cold toward Calmia that night and she hadn't talked to him since. He could be wrong and it was just a coincidence that she had left early for work the next morning instead of having breakfast with him. Or he could be right in assuming that she was intentionally avoiding him.

Whatever the case, he felt it was his fault but didn't know how to make it right.

He had never been in such a situation before. She wasn't someone from the press or another girlfriend that he could just ignore the problem with and assume things would settle with time.

She was his wife and she mattered a lot to him. He couldn't ignore the situation but at the same time, he was nervous about addressing it too.

So even though he came home early that day after attending his scheduled meetings, he did not know how to approach Calmia.

She would come home in a short while too and Bruce knew he had to at least find out whether she was angry at him for last night or not. But there was no actual way of finding out except by talking to her about it; the one thing that he did not want to mess up.

Bruce was definitely not an expert when it came to communication and that was quite common knowledge. He could converse at ease with the people he barely knew and who had no effect or impact on his life but to those he was closer to, he found it very hard to communicate his feelings.

His family was aware of that fact so some of them like Alfred, Richard, and Tim would try their best to help him out by understanding him and helping him to face the situation. But at that moment, Richard was in Bludhaven and the current situation wasn't what he would want to discuss with him or Tim either.

The only option that left him was Alfred and honestly, it could be the best option so far if only he hadn't decided to keep overthinking and moping about it.

"Master Bruce, is everything alright?"

Alfred's voice shook him out of his thoughts and he saw that the man had brought tea to his study.

It was impossible to hide anything from Alfred so Bruce decided to tell him about his problem and hear what he had to say about it.

"Alfred, I think perhaps I have been too hasty in my decision of marrying Calmia," he spoke up, not liking the way those words came out so he tried his best to explain, "I feel that she was not ready for everything we have to suffer and I selfishly dragged her in the middle of it."

Alfred poured the tea into the cup, wise old eyes observing Bruce closely, "and why do you think that, Sir?"

"Perhaps it is too much for her," he tried to find the right words to get his point across, "last night we got into what could be a disagreement. She was worried that I had gotten hurt on patrol and for me, it was just something that happens too often for me to dwell upon. I think I reacted a bit coldly towards her and now I don't know what to do."

Alfred thought it over, being able to understand why he was feeling that way. It was the first time Bruce too was dealing with the changes that came in life by having a partner. 

It was different from earlier because Calmia wasn't just another fling. She was the woman who mattered most to him and he sincerely did not want to ruin his relationship with her.

"Master Bruce, it is not uncommon for loved ones to face difficulties accepting the dangers and sacrifices that come with our choices. Although you didn't hide anything from Mrs. Calmia, understanding and supporting her emotional journey is equally important."

He looked down at the cup, thinking about it. He knew Alfred meant that he should talk to Calmia and hear her perspective, possibly reassuring her about it as well.

He was always so detached and aloof just like Batman, but he shouldn't let that detachedness ruin the love they held for each other.

"I don't want her to get worried," was all he could say right then.

"She is your wife and loves you very much, regardless she will be worried."

Her words from last night resonated around him again. He could see that she was genuinely concerned and perhaps he shouldn't have told her off for it.

Perhaps he should try opening up to her more about his vigilante life so that she too would know what to expect and not get so concerned over little things.

"If you want my advice, Master Bruce, then I would suggest it's essential to create moments of respite from the constant demands of your dual life. Dedicate quality time solely to your relationship with her, nurturing your bond and reminding her that she remains a priority in your life."

"And then I think about the others... Is she dealing well with them? They are not too much for her to handle, right?" Bruce seldom got time to spend with his family so he felt only Alfred could tell him truthfully about how Calmia was faring in dealing with the rest of the dysfunctional Waynes.

The old man shook his head, brushing off his worries, "I think she has adjusted much better with them than you have over the years. Mrs. Calmia indeed is a gentle and loving soul. All of them appreciate her very much."

That seemed to have put off a burden from his heart, "that's good to know."

"Including Master Damian. In fact, I think she might be closest to Master Damian," Alfred remarked, "they get along very well with each other."

He nodded, thinking about how it was such a big concern for him at one point that Calmia and Damian would not get along. Yet right then, everything was sorted out and running smoothly except for his own insecurities that were clouding the surface.

"I should talk to her," he took in a deep breath, making up his mind, "I will do so this evening."

"Master Tim would suggest talking to her after a gesture of making amends on your part," the butler resumed with an understanding gaze, "perhaps you should treat her to dinner and then talk it out."

"Oh... That's a good idea." He nodded, "thank you so much, Alfred. I really appreciate the great help you are to us."

"It is my honor and duty, Master Bruce," he replied with a ghost of a smile upon his lips as he stepped out of the study, "I have been privileged to serve you and your family."


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