Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was lying in Ian’s bed staring up at the ceiling it felt like it was years ago when I didn’t have any guys in my life and now I had Ian my sweet boyfriend, Michael who loved to hit on me and Jesse a human that had no idea about my secret or anything about me for that matter. I felt bad for him not only was he going to be used by me but he didn’t know I wasn’t even human. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to remember a time when life wasn’t this confusing I felt like I was the main character of some twisted story. When I opened my eyes again Skip and Randall were by the door looking at me.

“When did you guys become creeps who stare at girls when they are sleeping?” I ignored the fact that I wasn’t actually sleeping.

Randall laughed and ran and jumped on top of me squeezing the life out of me. I tried to push him off but it was pointless he was pretty muscular, after a few futile attempts I gave up and we both erupted into laughter.

“Man I missed u Lil, it hasn’t been the same without you.” He finally got off of me and we were both sitting up in the bed. I looked in his eyes and could see he meant it.

“I missed you too, both of you.” Skip came over and joined us.

“How is back there?” I was scared to get the answer but I had to know how things were going back home.

Skip and Randall exchanged looks and they seemed to be having a silent conversation, I couldn’t help but smile. This was something they always did ever since we were kids, they used to say it was a twin thing when I would complain that it was annoying and unfair, it was just like when people would whisper to each other in front of a group of people, it was just rude. However Skip and Randall would never listen, eventually it stopped annoying me, I just accepted it.

“Okay guys what are you not telling me?” I finally said when it became obvious that none of them had any intention of talking.

They sighed simultaneously and Skip launched into an explanation.

“People are starting to take sides, the majority is still with your dad but the numbersof the outlaw followers is increasing every day. It’s pretty weird actually one day they are all for your dad then the next they are totally against him, if I didn’t know better I would say they have been brainwashed but that’s just silly. The threats are getting worse, the kids aren’t even allowed outside the palace anymore; parents are worried the outlaws will get them. Your dad is really stressed out, I’ve never seen him so bad before.” Skip ran a hand through his hair and I immediately caught it.

“Skip spill it.”

“Huh – spill what?” Playing dumb are we?

“You just ran your hand through your hair, you only do that when you’re lying or hiding something.”

He laughed at that, “You’re delusional.”

I glared at him, then at Randall.

“Lily drop it.” Randall begged.

Now I was really worried.

Michael chose that time to walk in and remind me I had to be getting ready for my fake date. I groaned and told them we would finish this conversation when I got back.

I had given Jesse Michael and Ian’s address and we were going to catch the 8 o’clock movie. He got me right on time and I practically ran out of the house in fear of Jesse spotting any of the guys, after all he thought this was my house. I ended up wearing a cute purple top that didn’t have such a revealing neck line, and a short jeans skirt. It was my standard date outfit.

I sat in the car watching some horror movie where a person would get stabbed about every 20 minutes. I didn’t know what was actually going on in the movie because my head was somewhere else, to be specific it was back at Michael and Ian’s place. Jesse turned his head to watch to me thinking I didn’t notice, it was about the tenth time since I had gotten in his car. The only physical contact we had was when our fingers would brush occasionally in the popcorn bag, a large one. My head may be somewhere else but that didn’t stop me from following my rule: never watch a movie out without popcorn.

The credits started to roll, apparently the killer got caught, either that or everyone died. I didn’t know.

“Do you want to grab a bite somewhere?” I turned to face Jesse and followed his gaze. He was looking down at my hand which I noticed was in the empty popcorn bag searching for more popcorn. I took my hand out, feeling quite embarrassed.

“Oh um I don’t know it’s getting late.” I didn’t want to drag this date out when I obviously wasn’t even paying attention to the poor guy.

“Are you all right Lily? You’ve been somewhere else all night.” He wore a worried face.

I sighed, “I know I’m sorry, I’m not usually such a lame date I swear. I just have a lot on my mind.”

After a few silent moments Jesse spoke, “I know a place that’s guaranteed to take your mind off of whatever is occupying it.” He was smirking, obviously happy about this idea.

“Oh I don’t know about that.” I said.

“Do you have somewhere to be? Or a time to be home?”

“Oh um…” I was trying to think of an excuse but he had caught me off guard and he immediately cut me off the moment I paused.

“That’s a no. Well then you are coming with me.” Looking very proud he started up the car and we left the drive-in.

He wouldn’t take no for an answer. I had to give him credit, taking charge like that was a ballsy move. I have to admit it was attractive.

“All right then, may I ask where we are going?” I looked over at him.

Keeping his eyes on the road he replied, “You may ask, but I won’t tell you. It’s a surprise, you will just have to wait and see.”

“I’m no good at waiting; I’m a very impatient person you know.”

“I guess I’m doing you a favor then. Practice makes perfect.” 

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