Chapter 22: The Wedding

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a week later

P.O.V. Nikki

It was Saturday morning. The alarm goes off and I step out of bed. Today is Tessy's step brother getting married, and since their mom sees me as a part of their family as well, I got invited too. I took a quick shower to make sure my hair wasn't greasy. Sam walked in when I was drying my hair. "Good morning my love." Sam kisses me.

"Are you ready? you got your suit and tie ready?" I ask. Sam cups my head. "Could you for once not stress out?" He says with a laugh and kisses my forehead. I walk into the bedroom and put on my white pantalon and grab a shawl and wrap it in a cute way around my torso. I put on my black heels. My hair is in a claw clip.

Sam walks in with his pink suit. His tie is not tied yet. "Could you help me? Normally I have Colby to do this, but I don't want to barge into his room now that he has a girlfriend." He says. I grab his tie and tie it. "You look amazing btw." he adds. I look at him with a smirk. "You look not too bad yourself." I say and give him a kiss. He walks downstairs and I grab my purse. I close the bedroom door to find Tessy also ready.

She is wearing a red leather pantalon with a black tank top and a black leather jacket. Her hair is in a half up half down style. She wore black heels as well. She looks amazing. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask when I see her expression. She looks at me and tells me she is scared that her dad wouldn't approve of her relationship with Colby. I give her a hug and tell her that's his problem and definitely not for her and Colby.

We decided to go with 2 cars. Colby and Tessy went earlier because she was close family. Sam and I drove off to where the wedding was held. It was an amazing location. We walked inside and got our assigned place. We got some coffee and tea. We waited for the family to arrive as we were one of the firsts to arrive.

Tessy's grandma walked in and she spotted me. She walked right over to me. "Darling, you look spectacular. And who may this fine you man be?" she asks. I Introduce Sam. "Granny, this is Sam, my boyfriend." Sam shook her hand. "You two look adorable together." she whispers in my ear and walks off.

After a while Tessy and her family arrive as well. Her mother immediately hugs me. "It's so good to see you again! When are you girls coming to the cafe again? We miss you on fridays." She says. I laugh and tell her soon. We all walked into the venue. We sit down. Sam asks me who everyone is as I point the important people out.

The ceremony starts and I must say it is beautiful. After the ceremony the reception started and after that we had the after party. Sam and I walk with linked arms into the reception. I try looking for Tessy but can't find her anywhere. I give Sam a kiss and try looking for her. Sam stays at a table. I walk through the halls, but the only person I find is her step brother. "Hey, have you seen Tessy?" I ask him, but he walks through me and doesn't answer.

I walk back to Sam. "I can't find her.." I say. "I haven't seen Colby either.." Sam looks around. He suggests getting some fresh air so we walk outside. When we walk outside we see Tessy crying in Colby's arms. We walked towards them when a car sped up their way, but also our direction. Colby and Tessy jump out of the way but get hit. They fall to the ground.

The car drove towards Sam and me. I was starstruck. I couldn't move. Sam Jumps to the side with me. We don't get hit but I hit my shoulder on a stone. I was sure it was dislocated. "SAM!" I look at his face. He is unconscious. His hair was a little red. After a few minutes he woke up. People started running out of the reception outside, they must have heard us scream.

Someone walked over to Sam to make sure the cut wasn't too deep. Someone confirmed my shoulder was dislocated, but the only thing I saw was an unconscious Colby and Tessy.

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