Chapter 13: The Date

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P.O.V. Tessy

It is a week after Colby asked me out and today we are finally going on a date. I don't know where we are going because Colby wanted to keep it a surprise. He will pick me up at 2 so I have an hour left to get ready.

I put on a cute red dress with an oversized leather jacket and my black platform Dr. Martens. I put on some eyeliner and some lip gloss. My hair is in a half ponytail and half loose. I put my important stuff in my hand bag and then I'm ready to go.

The doorbell rings. I sprint to the door and open the door. "Are you ready?" He says with a big smile on his face. "Yes, let's go!" I say goodbye to Nikki and then I follow Colby to his car. He opens the car door for me so I can get in.

Colby also gets into the car and starts the car. The radio starts playing the song Midnight Memories by One Direction very loudly. Colby quickly turns his radio off out of shame. I start to laugh and say: "Colbs, don't worry I love One Direction. I'm a major fan." "If you told me that earlier I wouldn't be so ashamed for nothing." He laughs. He turns the song back on and we start singing along with the song like we were at a concert.

After a 20 minute carpool karaoke we arrived at the place that Colby wanted to take me to. Colby opens the car door for me and helps me get out of the car. I look around and then Colby says: "I always wanted to go to this museum and why not with the most special girl I know." "Nahww, this means a lot to me. I love museums," I say to him while I give him a hug. When we let go of the hug he grabs my hand and we walk inside.

The museum is beautiful. There are lots of beautiful paintings and statues. Some paintings really touch me. Colby and I held hands almost the whole way through. Now we are almost at the end and we are looking at a beautiful painting of a woman. "She's almost as beautiful as you," Colby looks at me with a playful smirk on his face. I blush softly at the compliment and I feel Colby getting closer to me.

His face gets closer to me. He wants to grab my face and kiss me but he slowly turns away. He laughs awkwardly and says: "U-uhm let's go to the restaurant." I nod my head, he takes my hand again and I follow him to the car.

The whole car ride was a little awkward because of what happened but we arrived at a cute Italian restaurant at the beach. "Colby, this is so beautiful." I say blushing. "Anything for a girl like you," he smiles brightly. The restaurant is beautifully lit with candle lights and small lights across the ceiling. We get a table at the window that faces the beach and the sea. It's soooooo gorgeous.

Dinner with Colby was amazing. We ate pasta and we talked a lot about our interests, music, art and family. Now we are sitting at the beach and I'm cuddled into Colby's arms and watching the sunset, this is really one of the best days of my life. I hope the time never stops and we can stay in this moment forever.

P.O.V. Nikki

My screen lit up, when Tessy just left to go on her date with Colby. It's a text from Sam:

- S A M -
Heyy, How are you doing?

Heyy, I am good. The cold is finally gone so I
can run tomorrow morning again!

- S A M -
Great! I was thinking. I am home alone of course
and so are you. Do you maybe wanna hang out? as friends of course!
We could play some Mario kart!

yeah sure!

As friends.

- S A M -
Great!! I see you around 5?
We could eat some pizza.

Great! see you then.

I throw my phone on my bed. As friends?! Really? I was hoping there was something more. But friends is better than nothing. I grabbed a cute outfit out of my closet. I put on my blue sports bra and a white tank top with my black cargo pants. I put Sam's borrowed clothing in my bag.

I grab the car keys, my shoes and say goodbye to Buddy. I walk towards the car, start the engine and drive off. After 15 minutes I arrived at Sam's place. I rang the doorbell as it took awhile for him to open the door. "Heyy you're here! Come in." I walk in and give him the pile of clothes back. "Thank you for letting me borrow your clothing. I washed it so it's all clean" He looked at me a bit confused. "You didn't have to wash it." he says with a laugh.

We played mario kart for a while when my stomach began to growl. "You are hungry, Why didn't you tell me!?" Sam stands up and walks towards the kitchen. I follow him. We wait for the pizza to be ready. Sam starts screaming out of nowhere, which caught me off guard. "AHHHH FUCK!" I see him running towards the sink with tears in his eyes. "Keep it under the cold stream. Where is the first aid kit?" "In the cabinet." Sam points. I grab the first aid kit.

Sam sits down on the counter. I stand between his legs and grab the bandage. "You need to tell me if it is too tight." I say. Sam hisses, but I haven't even done anything Yet. "Not funny Golbach." He laughs. I laugh as well because it was kinda funny. I finished wrapping his hand. I am still holding it with my hands. I look up as I feel a hand stroke a strand of hair behind my ear. We are inches apart. Thoughts rush through my mind.

The door slams shut. We both panic. I step back and look in the direction of the hallway. Tessy meets my gaze. Colby walks around the corner and places a hand on Tessy's back. "We need to talk." Tessy says towards me.

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