Chapter 2 ~ Misunderstanding

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"Guys!" Violet rushed out of her room in a panic and started running down the hall. Her clad boots should've been thudding against the hard floor but her powers silenced them.

She turned the corner in the hall and ran straight into Allison and Luther.

"What the hell is going on?" She asked, catching her breath.

"Come on." Luther grabbed the two girls by the arms lead them to the courtyard, Allison and Violet exchange quirked eyebrows.

When they made it outside, Diego and Vanya were already there, looking at the loud, blue light in the sky.

"Violet, stay back." Diego grabbed the girl from Luther and pushed her behind him, making her scoff.

"Don't get to close." Violet warned Luther as he started taking steps towards it.

"Yeah no shit." Diego mused.

Diego and Luther started bickering back and forwards, when Violet's attention was brought Klaus bursting through the door and yelling with a fire extinguisher in hand.

"Out of the way V!" Klaus pushed her aside and started spraying the blue hole in the sky with the chemicals before giving up and throwing the whole metal bottle.

It did absolutely nothing.

"You just made it angry!" Violet reached passed Deigo and grabbed Klaus by his fur coat to drag him back.

"Well do you have a better idea?" His tattooed hands were in the air in defence.

The blue light in the sky started sparking again and panic arose once more, but Violet started to notice something happening in the centre.

It looked like a man.

An old one too.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Luther noticed it too. "Stay behind me!" His number one instincts kicking in.

"Yeah, stay behind us." Diego's number two instincts kicking in as well.

Violet glanced to Allison to see what she was thinking, but all she noticed was how Allison held on tight to Luther's hand.

Then she noticed Diego's hand keeping her behind him, how she would feel so much better in a moment like this if she could just reached out and -

All of a sudden the lighting stopped and the courtyard fell silent, aside from a small thud against the ground.

"Is that a boy?" Violet tried to rush forwards but she was stopped by Diego again.

"Just wait a minute-" He tried but Violet just rolled her eyes and turned invisible to easily manoeuvre around him.

"Come back." Diego frantically looked through the air for her but it was hopeless, until she appeared again next to the mysterious, groaning boy.

"Five." The number left Violet's lips so softly she's not sure if anyone even heard her. Except it wasn't  just a number, it was a name.

"Is that a little number Five or am I just high?" Klaus asked as the whole group approached.

"I think its both." Diego's head tilted slightly as the boy finally looked up, each and every one of them would know that face anywhere.

"Shit." Five sighed after looking himself up and down.

"Lets – lets get you inside." Violet didn't know what to do as she tried to help him limp to the door.

The completed Umbrella Academy soon found themselves in the basement kitchen, all staring at Five who was making himself a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich.

Violet Hargreeves |||| Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now