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Mikey called a meeting of everyone in the room in the Bonten's hideout. The air thickened with tension when Mikey walked in and sat down, indicating the seriousness of the topic.

"So, somehow they managed to get out of debt. I don't know how, but we need to continue the plan," Mikey said. He gave a summary of the plan they had previously discussed. "We'll work on getting close to Y/N, making sure she feels comfortable with us. We want her to believe we're the good guys here to save her. On certain days, we'll stage an incident where someone attempts to kidnap her. One of you will be assigned to disguise yourself for this operation."

While everyone nodded in agreement, Mikey stressed the importance of accuracy. Hardly stating, "We need to be specific with this plan to ensure nothing goes south," he said.

Mikey continued, "We can't afford any mistakes. So, we'll need a well-coordinated effort. Ran, I want you to oversee the details of the disguise and the kidnapping attempt. Make sure it's convincing but safe. We don't want any harm coming to her."

Ran nodded, acknowledging his role in the plan. "I'll handle it, Mikey. We'll make sure it plays out smoothly."

Mikey then turned his attention to the rest of the group. "Timing is the key. We want Y/N to feel vulnerable and dependent on us. Once she's firmly under our influence, we can proceed with the next phase of the plan."

As the meeting concluded, each member left the room. The wheels were set in motion, and they were determined to execute the plan precisely, ensuring their intricate strategy's success.

y/n pov

"Finally, the exams are over, and my back needs a break. Ugh." I made my way out of the classroom, fully aware that my best friends were still in the exam. Deciding to treat myself, I opted for some solo time. The mall seemed like a good choice—it offered a variety of restaurants and activities to unwind.

My plan to visit the mall became more and more clear as I rambled through my ideas. But there was one small hitch: I was accidentally bumped into by an unaware person, which made me fall uncontrollably.

The man yelled at me, "Hey, watch where you're going!"

Baffled by the accusation, I retorted, "What?" It was clear as day; he was the one who bumped into me, like what the fuck is he on. "I said, watch where you're going, pretty lady," he continued, a teasing tone evident in his voice.

Refusing to let his misplaced anger dampen my mood, I stood up and locked eyes with him. "I'm sorry, but as far as I can remember, you were the one who bumped into me."

"Are you dumb?" he scoffed.

This bitch dared to say that to me. "Sorry, did I miss the memo about "Selective Blindness Awareness Day"? My bad for not realizing you were participating in the event."

I turned around and heard a chuckle from behind me. To my surprise, it was Sanzu who was standing there.

I rolled my eyes at Sanzu's teasing remark. "Aw, what's with the eye roll, darling?" he continued in his playful tone. 

I shot him a stern look. "Look, if you find it funny, just leave." He said while pouting. "What am I supposed to do besides laughing, though? I mean, you were kinda savage. I couldn't help but laugh," he explained, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Look, I don't care who you are, Barbie boy, but let me and this girl talk about how she bumped into me," the angry guy asserted. 

Sanzu sighed, clearly growing irritated. "If you're just gonna be annoying, just leave." The angry man, seemingly offended, retorted, "Do you know who you're talking to?!"

Sanzu's expression turned serious as he responded, "I don't know, and I don't fucking care. Now, get out," Sanzu stated with a commanding tone.

You sensed a potential fight brewing, so to prevent things from escalating further, you quickly grabbed Sanzu and led him inside the mall, hoping to avoid any additional chaos. "Jeez, what's with today?" you mumbled while dragging Sanzu along.

Inside the mall, you decided to shake off the tension and focus on enjoying your time. You suggested exploring some shops and maybe grabbing a bite to eat. Surprisingly, Sanzu agreed, and the two of you began to wander around.

As you strolled through the mall, you found a quaint cafe that caught your attention. "How about a cup of coffee to ease the stress?" you suggested, hoping to lighten the mood. Sanzu smirked and nodded in agreement, following you to the cafe.

Seated at a corner table, you both ordered your favorite drinks and began to chat. The atmosphere gradually shifted from tense to more relaxed, and you found yourself enjoying Sanzu's company. The initial clash outside seemed like a distant memory as you delved into casual conversations.

As you spent time together, you couldn't help but notice that Sanzu wasn't as intimidating as he first appeared. The cafe outing turned out to be a surprisingly pleasant experience, and you started to wonder if there might be more to him than meets the eye. Little did you know, this encounter would mark the beginning of an unexpected connection.

As the day drew closer, I felt ready to head home. "Hey, it was fun hanging out with you. I'll go home now," I mentioned. "I'll drive you home," he insisted. "You don't have to, really," I replied. "Well, I have to now. Come on, I gotta make sure you arrive safely." He gently grabbed my arm and guided me to the parking lot. Opening the car door for me, I thanked him before he went inside and started the car, driving us home.

Time passed, and Sanzu expertly steered the automobile into a dark, isolated area not far from my house. The location was shrouded in mystery due to the shadows cast by the nearby buildings. I was perplexed as to why this specific location was chosen, but I chose to ignore my curiosity.

Sanzu switched off the automobile, putting an end to the quiet hum of the engine. The scene was given a soft, ambient glow by the far-off streetlights, which made it seem almost theatrical. I lingered for a second, wondering if I should question his parking decision, but Sanzu's laid-back attitude and the peaceful atmosphere talked me out of it.

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