[17] MY OH MY

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ORION WAS DRUNK. Completely, irrevocably and absolutely drunk. I've never seen him like this, and I didn't think any of his friends had either, because everyone in the booth was staring at him with equal parts amusement and curiosity.

Not that everyone else was completely sober either, of course. Some of Lance's friends were definitely half-drunk as well, and Cami was a bit on the tipsy side too. I hadn't mentioned what I'd seen about her and Dean earlier. No point. She had her privacy and I had mine. I wouldn't want her digging into my entire internal fiasco about Orion anyways, and I certainly hadn't shared anything about that with her.

Either way: back to drunk Orion, because really that was fascinating to see, he was half-collapsed besides me, leaning onto Dean for support, who reluctantly allowed his best friend to use him as what basically was a crutch.

"God," Camille whispered in my ear, "you gotta admit, that man has an insane face."

I shot her a look. "Seriously? Right now?"

"Hey," Cami said with a shrug, "he's not the only one with alcohol in his system."

"Wow, Cami. Wow."

"It's the truth, though."

"Fine," I whispered back. "He is kind of hot."

"Kind of?"

"Very. He's very hot."

"Much better." She threw her head onto my shoulder with a satisfied sigh. "Much, much hotter than his very mean friend, that's for sure." Very mean friend? Was that meant to be Dean? There was definitely a story there, but I didn't think asking her to spill it while Dean was around a metre away was a particularly good idea. I'll let her embarrass herself later when we were alone. If she wanted to spill the beans.

"It's getting late," Lance muttered, one eye on Orion. "Does anyone still want to stay?"

No one nodded. Everyone was fucking exhausted or drunk, and if I had to be honest, the thrill of the club had died down for me hours ago. I really was not built for this kind of stuff, but it was necessary for making friends, and I didn't necessarily hate it either. It just wasn't my kind of thing.

"So... maybe we should head off."

Everyone stood up, mumbling under their breaths. I glanced around, settling on Dean for help. "Dean, help me move Orion downstairs, please?"

"Shit, you've got to bring this guy home." He winced. "Need me to come with?"

"Nah, it's fine. I can handle it. Just get us into a taxi."


I turned to Camille, wrapping my arms around her and giving her a big hug. "I'll see you soon, Cami?"

"Oh my god, bye Salome." She ruffled my hair and I squinted my eyes at her. Offering a cheeky grin, she turned to grab her stuff. "Dean and I live in the same area, so he's going to send me back home." Oh right. They both lived in Tseung Kwan O.

I raised one brow at Dean, who shrugged innocently. "What?"

So many goddamn coincidences. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought they were lying for some more alone time.

"Right. Help me move him." I pulled at Orion's arm, and he turned to glare at me. Not sober at all, but not completely drunk out of his mind either.

"I'm not that drunk."

"Yeah, tell me when you can stand on your own two feet."

"I can." Rather clumsily, he pushed himself onto his own two feet, and Dean took the chance to throw his arm over his shoulder.

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