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"JUST TWO SUITCASES?" Orion was fumbling with his own suitcase in the corridor as I opened my door, dragging out the smaller suitcase first. When I got to the second, the larger one, he moved over to help me pull it out.

"Just two." I glanced over. He only had one, with a backpack placed on it. "There's enough space for the taxi, yeah? If not, I can just put the smaller one in the passenger area."

He nodded. "More than enough. Come on, let's get to the lift."

Orion had ended up being the best person to get a taxi with. He was on my flight, lifted right across me, and after we'd arrived in Hong Kong, we technically had to head back to the same place anyways. Neither of our parents were bothering to pick us up, they'd announced. We'd grown up, and thus, we were to take the bus back together after we'd arrived back in Hong Kong.

Our parents were getting lazy.

It was early December and winter break had started the day before. Camille had left the day before, being on the same flight as Dean, and Eileen two nights ago, immediately after lessons had been over. It was starting to get awfully cold in England now, and I was starting to crave the warmer climates of Hong Kong. Just in time, I suppose.

We got to the first floor, and we pushed our luggage out, we spotted Livia in the corner of the apartment. I'd thought she'd have already moved out, but turns out she wasn't going to until the holidays itself, since she wasn't heading back this Christmas. And from what Camille told me, she was already more or less set to move into Livia's apartment after that.

"Hey, leaving now?" Livia asked, grinning.

"Yeah, you too?" Orion asked, noting the suitcase besides her feet.

"Amphion's picking me up. We're heading over to Briarville for a few days before I set off for the airport. Visit my grandmother and his family."

"Does he live in Briarville?" I asked in surprise. "I thought he's from London."

"He lives in London most of the year, but his family keeps a holiday house besides mine in Briarville. We usually go during the summer, but we're changing it up now that we're all in university and stuff. My cousin's going to Briarville too, so I'm just meeting up with her."

"Fair enough." Orion gave a mock salute. "Have fun vacaying, Livia Wong."

"Thanks." She flashed a smile. "Have fun in Hong Kong. Pity I can't go back, but I need to move out and I don't have time for that during school."

Orion nodded. "I'd stay and talk, but our taxi's probably already here. See you, Liv."

"Bye Orion! Bye Salome!"

Livia was still waving inside when we started putting our luggage onto the taxi. At the sight of me struggling with my larger suitcase, Orion quickly lended me a hand, wincing as he did so. "Jesus, this is heavy."

"I have a lot of stuff," I deadpanned.

"Fair enough. Come on, let's get inside."

We sat at the backseat together and the driver set off. Two hours. It was a two hour drive to the airport, which was fair enough. We'd arrive at around eleven, and our plane left at three. I could shop my ass off in the Duty Free—the cosmetics and makeup were so cheap there it was actually ridiculous. My mum and some of my Hong Kong friends had already sent me a full list of what they wanted me to grab for them. I had things to do at the airport.

"My ma says our families are going out together for dinner when we get back," he murmured to me. "Anywhere you especially want to go?"

"That Chaozhou restaurant at the mall beneath our apartment, maybe?"

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