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"Diego, where are we going?" Violet giggled, a piece of cloth tied over her eyes as Diego dragged her hand down the halls of the Umbrella Academy late at night.

"Shh, you'll wake up dad." He hushed and continued to tug her arm in different directions, although her footsteps were completely unheard.

"You're more likely to than me." She sassed as usual and just heard a tusk from the boy.

Violet heard Diego creak open a heavy door, and a light, cold breeze hit her round cheeks.

"We're almost there, come on." Diego pulled her faster and Violet felt her bare feet hit a cold cobblestone floor.

They were outside.

"Diego where are we - "

"We're here." He stopped in their tracks making Violet almost stumble over, and she felt him move behind her.

Diego's hands reach up and untied her blind fold, gently sliding it away from her face.

When she saw what he had done, her eyes lit up brighter than the stars.

"Happy Birthday Violet." Diego took her hand again, and watched her reaction.

"Oh Diego, it's beautiful." Violet examined what her adoptive brother had done for her.

Diego had set up one of their sheets to be tied up between two trees as a hammock, and all the branches were wrapped in bright fairylights, they looked like colourful leaves.

Her favourite part, the white painted cardboard cutouts that hung from the trees in the shapes of her most favourite thing in the world.

The clouds.

Violet was a gifted girl who had the unique ability to turn invisible, aided by increased stealth.

No one could hear her coming even if Violet wanted them to.

Violet hated it.

Even when she wasn't invisible, she still felt it.

That's why she loved looking at the clouds. They were seemingly invisible when they were on the ground, but when they rise to the height of the sky, they are so visible that they can block out the sun.

That's how Diego had always made her feel.

Diego made her rise to the height of the sky.

Diego made her feel as visible as the clouds.

"Come on, let's go sit." Diego led her by her hand to the hammock and lifted her up in it.

"Why thankyou, kind sir." Violet said in a posh voice, making him giggle.

"One more touch." Diego left her in the hammock and ran to a nearby record player he had set up.

He lifted the needle and pressed play.

Violet's favourite song started to play.

I've been meanin' to tell you
I've got this feelin' that won't subside

Diego walked back up to Violet who had her legs swinging off the edge of the sheet, a giddy smile plastered on her face.

I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Now I've got you in my sights

"You're cute when you smile." Diego stood in front of her, so close that their knees touched.

Violet's cheeks tinted pink at his words.

Violet Hargreeves |||| Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now