Chapter 5 - Super Smash Bros

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I slipped on a red and black flannel over my black shirt. I wore black skinny jeans with a red belt. The belt was mostly for looks, but hey, you never want your pants to fall down, do you? I laughed at my own idiotic joke and shook my head, a small smirk playing on my lips.

I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded in approval as I walked out my room and into the living room. I was on my way to Kaeyi's place for this little get together with all the girls, including Martyn of course. I was supposed to be there around 7:00, but it was only 6:00. I had time to spare.

I sat in silence as I looked around. I frowned and buried my face in my hands. "I really need friends..." I mumble, sadness lurking in my voice. I sighed and grabbed a beanie beside me, putting it on quickly. I stood up and starting walking out the door, my fist clenched as I held my keys tightly. I began walking towards my car, my body being engulfed by the cold air.

I tried to start my car, but it didn't seem to work. "Oh no. Please, fuck, no! Don't do this now!" I groaned as I slammed my fist against the steering wheel. "For fucks sake!" Of all the times my car doesn't work! It doesn't work now! I just need to get my mind off shit and this happens? It's like the world fucking hates me! I slammed my car down quite loudly, causing a dog to bark defensively. I grunted as I leaned against the hood of the car and pulled out my phone. I had no other choice then to cancel on the girls or call somebody to pick me up, and no way I was going to not hang out with them.

I scrolled through my phone, searching for somebody I actually kept in contact with to ask. It's nearly 7, who would want to pick me up at this time? Hopefully it's not too late to ask. I couldn't find any helpful numbers, only Duncan, Kim, and Lewis. Kim was already at the party and I'm pretty sure Lewis would be busy... And Duncan...

Me: Aye, Can I ask for a favour?
Duncan: sure! what?
Me: Can you pick me up and drop me off at Kaeyi/Martyn's place...?
Me: you don't have too!
Duncan: I was just on my way to there too! Where are you? I'll pick you up! :D
Me: *insert groan here*
Duncan: haha okay seriously though where are you

I smiled at his childish behavior and quickly texted him my address. I waited in my driveway, the sky becoming darker and darker. Then, I realized something... Kim said that it was only us girls, not Duncan. Oh, you fucking twat. I wonder if anybody else is going... Maybe some other Yogs? I sigh and look down, I feel awkward.

It wasn't long before Duncan picked me up and drove me to Kaeyi's house. It wasn't an awkward car ride while nobody talks. We genuinely talked about video games, and just random things in general. I'm quite happy that Duncan was talking to me, I've learned a few things about him. I've learned that he loves to cook, likes to go cycling, and had an interest with digital designs.

"So, now that I told myself about myself, what about you?" Duncan's sudden question snapped me from my thoughts. I messed around with my thumb and looked out the window, trying to not make the situation awkward. "I take an interest with animals... I absolutely love swimming... and I like anime, like is an understatement, I love anime." I say, my lips growing into a smile. It feels nice to talk about myself. "Oh, and I love Harry Potter, Steven Universe, and Gravity Falls." I added quietly and I heard Duncan chuckle.

"Aren't a those cartoons, beside Harry Potter?" He asks, his eyes staring at the road. I felt myself panic inside, I told too much about myself. Fuck, I hate telling people about my interest. People always seem to ruin everything for me. "I...I.." I simply shrugged, feeling my heartbeat increase. I'm done talking, I can't take it. I continued to stare out the window, seeing Duncan give a sad frown as he continued to drive to Kaeyi's.


The car came to a stop in front of a large two story house. I quickly shut the car door, trying to avoid any conversation. I walked towards the door, Duncan following behind slowly. Before I can ring the doorbell, the door opened and there stood Kaeyi with an excite expression. "You must be Robin!" She motioned us both inside. "I'm Kaeyi." She smiles warmly and begins to show us to the living room, where Kim, Hannah, and Martyn should be.

"Sup Robin." Kim greets, waving me to sit down next to her. I smile and slump down next to her. "You look nice, care to explain why?" Hannah teases, clearly pointing to Duncan who was asking Kaeyi where Martyn was. I watched as he climbed up the stairs, a determined expression on his face.

"N-No... This is what I usually wear." I point to myself and Kim smirks. "I like it, reminds me of me." I look at Kim and shrug. Kim did like her flannels, didn't she? I shake my head, a small smile on my lips. "So, want to play Smash Brothers?" Kaeyi asks, holding up controllers. I suddenly became interested. "Oh hell yes!" Hannah grabbed a controller, a goofy look on her face. Kaeyi both handed Kim and I controllers, I failed to hide the excitement on my face as Kaeyi started the game.

"I choose Toon Link!" Kim shouted gleefully.

"I'm risking it and choosing Random!" Hannah says, her eyes locked on the tv.

"I prefer Marth." Kaeyi says, nudging Kim slightly.

"I gots my Charizard!" I say, happiness lingering in my voice.

The game started and all hell broke loose.


"FUCK OFF KIM!" I shout as I tried to escape Kim's spin attack. "Never!" I heard Kim squeal from behind me. One thing you should know about me, I am violent when it comes to video games. I growl and watched as my Charizard fell off the platform. Kaeyi and Hannah fought on the other side of the map, themselves having a little argument. "Haha, I'm gonna win!" Kim boasts with confidence as she seemed like she was going to win.

SUDDEN DEATH appeared on the screen, all four characters in positions. "Oh fuck." Hannah says, laughing slightly. Kaeyi gasps as I kick her off the platform. "Really Robin?!" Kaeyi punches my shoulder playfully and I laugh quietly. "I'm really competitive when it comes to video games!" I shout, trying to stay focused on getting Kim off the platform. Hannah seemed to fall of the platform the instant the game started.

I eventually won, receiving a push from Kim. "Hey!" I say, laughing as Kim pouted in the corner. I pat her back and ruffle her hair. "No need to be sad Nano." I joke around and Kim laughs quietly. We all ended up laughing our asses off from our little competitive game.

I never realized that I saw a hint of blonde upon the top of the stairs.

Aye I published a part of this, it was an accident. So, if any of you saw that, it was an accident. Also, ignore all that Harry Potter shit I was talking about. I could do it myself. New updates soon to come.
(This chapter is unedited)
Peace out. ^~^

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