Chapter 2 - Friends...?

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I suddenly get flustered at Duncan's sudden question. I look down and shrug. "I'm not sure... I don't know you, so..." I reply quietly and Duncan continues to study my face with an intense face.

Sjin awkwardly laughs and starts to pull me out the room. "W-Wait! I need to figur-" Sjin shut the door before he can finish. He sighed and continued to walk down the corridor. "Duncan's an idiot sometimes." He mutters under his breath and I giggle. "It's okay, is he okay? He seemed kinda... sad." I whisper the last part.

"Eh... It's not my place to say. Sorry." He quickly replies and I nod my head understanding. We walked down the corridor until we got to the editors room. "This is the editors room. Most of the editors stay in here." Sjin guides me to a desk next to the window. He smiles widely. "This is your desk." He points at it and begins to type something into the computer. I stood behind him and looked at what he was doing.

"You can change the password. Do anything you want, just don't hack into random shit or get viruses." He chuckles slightly and scratches the back of his neck. "Well... That's pretty much it. You don't need to work today, just look around. Meet some people." He begins to walk out the door. "See ya Robin!" He shuts the door, leaving me alone in the room.

I look around and shiver. I don't like being alone here. It freaks me out. I set down my keys and other things on my desk. I wonder if somebody will take them if I leave them here. I shrugged and started to mess around with the computer. Nothing much, the basic Fraps and editing programs. Pretty cool.


I leaned back in my chair and sighed. I had to admit, this was kinda boring. Least you would expect in YOGTOWERS. I suddenly got curious. Sjin never told me not run off, he said explore. Should I explore? What if I get lost?

I stood up and decided to wander around. I walked up and down the corridor, nobody walking by or anything. I could hear the casual Hat Films screaming from behind a wall while there was a few murmurs throughout the floor. I frowned and begin to look around for a door that didn't have the red recording light on.

There was one door, I can't remember who's room is was. Was is Kim...? No, it was Martyn. No, I'm pretty sure it was Kim. Ah... my brain. I opened the door slightly and peeked inside to see Kim sitting in her computer chair, her feet up on the desk and herself on her phone.

She looked up slightly with a confused expression. "Hello?" She greets awkwardly. I wave slightly and look around. "Do you mind if I stay in here... I'm the new editor and I have no idea what to do." I try to smile, but it soon falls. I'm quite the boring person, aren't I?

Kim puts her feet down from the desk and smiles widely. "Sure! It must be awkward meeting everyone in YogTowers." She motions me to sit down in the bean bag next to her. "It was quite awkward for me when I first joined." I nod my head slowly as I slump into the bean bag.

We both sat in silence until Kim started to introduce herself. "I'm Kim Richards!" She rolled her computer chair over and shook my hand. "I'm Robin Pines." I laugh slightly as Kim smiled widely. I'm guessing she drank some soda before this... I look at her counter to see a few cans of cola. Oh dear god.

"Have you been drinking soda, Kim?" I ask, staring at the soda cans. Kim sticks her tongue out. "Yes I have! I am very hyper!" She begins to giggle, I laugh along. "I thought you took a break from soda." I ask with curiosity. Kim shrugs and begins to start Minecraft up on her computer. "I did, but I couldn't handle it..." She trailed off as she logged into her Minecraft account.

"Do you want to play Minecraft?" She looks at me with hopeful eyes. "Sure." I reply as I stand up. "I'll go to the editor's room." She nods and hands me a piece of paper with the server ip, mod pack, and her TeamSpeak.

I walked down the corridor, the editor's room was all the way down the hall. I walked pass Sam, who waves politely. I waved back with a nervous smile. I eventually got back and I logged into my account. I got onto the TeamSpeak and found Kim in a random room. "Heya Kim." I greet and I could hear her bracelet's clanging against each other. "Hey. On the server?"

I logged onto the server and found myself in the Flux Buddies 2 base. Kim stood next to the smeltery. "Yep. So what should I do?" I ask and Kim began to walk to a different room. "Wanna build a house?" She asks and I reply with a 'Sure'.

"What's your username?" She asks as she stares at my avatar. "Q-QuietDragon. The name is stupid, I know." I stutter as I began to feel nervous. I've had this account forever, I never really changed my childish username. Kim laughs, "Don't worry, it's cute." I stay silent as I flew around, looking for a good place to build.


About 30 minutes passed, almost an hour. Both Kim and I, well mostly I, built a suitable house for me to live in. It was a small cave, a dragon's den I like to call it. It's cool, it looks very... ominous.

"Oh look! Dunc's online!"

LividCoffee has joined the game

NanoSounds: Hey Dunc!

LividCoffee: hi Kim

LividCoffee: who is QuietDragon

QuietDragon: It's Robin.

LividCoffee: Oh


Woah. I haven't updated in a while. Okay here's a few things to say my friends. <3

1: Every chapter, I'm aiming to do a thousands words no matter what.

2: I have no schedule on when I'm updating the books, you just have to wait I guess.

3: There are times when chapters will be complete shit, since I'm very busy with finals and shit. I thought I finished all of the finals, I have a few more to do. Sometimes the chapter's aren't gonna be daily anymore.

4: OK OK OK. I'M SORRY TO ASK THIS. LIKE I'M SO SORRY. BUT BUT... WHO CAN GET ME A NEW MINECRAFT ACCOUNT? My old account 'QuietDragon' has been hacked. They changed the username and skin. I had to reset the password, but I lost everything on the servers I play on. So... I'm sorry to ask this. Just message me if you can...? You don't have to.

5: Yogscast Merch. Fucking merch man. I JUST WANT SOMETHING.

6: Who can make a cover for this book? :D

7: I love you guys. <3

Follow me on Instragram: QuietDragon

Follow me on Tumblr: QuietDragon514

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