A Trip For The Family

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(AJ's Pov)

Clementine and I had the car packed up and ready to go. We had decided that instead of one day to celebrate hers and Violet's wedding anniversary that we were going to do something we all had planned to do years ago.

"Ya'll sure you have everything?" Ruby asked and I look to the trunk and nod.

"Yep, first aid kit, nonperishable foods, some fresh food as well for the beginning of the trip, extra clothes in case, bags, a tent if we want to camp for a bit, fishing poles if we want to fish, and many other things." I say as I closed the trunk and looked to her.

"And walkie talkies." She says as she hands me three of them and I nod as I go put them in the car.

"Now the car has enough fuel for maybe half the trip." Aasim says as he comes over to us and hands me a gas can and a rubber tube with a pump.

"Just incase you need to get any gas, though it might be bad." He says and I nod.

"Better than nothing." I say and also set it in the car.

"Ready to go?" I hear and look to see Clem as she comes up to the car and she looked to me then to the others.

"Yeah, I'll get Liz, she's still sleeping." I say and she nods as she gets in the car but still talked to the others as she took a seat in the driver's side. I go into the house and see Liz laying on the couch as she held the pillow to her. I take a breath and picked her up gently with the blanket and pillow. It was a bit hard but I was able to do it. I took her to the car and laid her in the back seat and she cuddled into the pillow and I look to Clem and I think a bit. Sasha then jumps into the back of the car on the floorboard and lays down near Liz and I pet the dog.

"I have one more thing to grab." I tell her and she nods as I head to the house and I go into my room. I grabbed a small item and I head back to the car and took a seat in the passenger's side. Clem then began to drive and I grabbed the map and looked to the roads we were on. We had decided to leave early in the morning, though we didn't have to deal with traffic that Clem talked about, it was nice to leave at this time.

"First stop, Arizona." She says and I look to her and I nod as I look back to the map.

"After that California." I say and tell her to take a left since this direction would take us to a car graveyard. As Clem continued to drive, we played some CDs in the cars stereo and it was soft music for now while Liz still slept.

"It's fascinating you know." Clem says as she had the window down letting the air flow through the car.

"What?" I asked as I have my arm out my window making the wind hit it as I moved my hand against the wind.

"That Liz looks so much like Violet when she was younger." She says and I look to Liz in the rearview mirror.

"Mary looked like you." I say and she nods.

"It's so strange though... you know?" She asked and I shrugged. I didn't think it was weird at all.

"I don't think it's weird, but I don't know much." I say and Clem looked to me then back to the road.

"Violet... always mentioned about me having a family, I thought it was weird that she would ask if I wanted a baby, but I guess I forgot that she couldn't have kids of her own, that and she was scared and wouldn't go near a guy with a ten-foot pole." She joked and I laughed at this.

"But I get it... She wanted me to be happy you know but I was happy with what I had." I hear her.

"You aren't happy anymore, are you?" I asked. She sighed at this and kept quiet as she drove.

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