It's Not Your Fault

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(Violet's Pov)

I was woken up by a major bump on the road and I look around as I turn to Clementine who looked to me apologetically. I look around and see were had just entered into Texas and I rubbed my head a bit trying to figure out how long I was asleep for.

"Hey, you, ok?" She asked and I nod.

"Yea just... how long was I out?" I asked.

"About a day and a half, we did wake you up to eat but I'm guessing you don't remember." She says and I shake my head and rolled the window down a bit.

"Fuck didn't know how tired I really was." I mutter and looked in the back to see AJ and Aasim Junior asleep.

"They fell asleep not that long ago." She says and I nod.

"Can we pull over for a bit?" I asked and she nods as she does just that. I go off to the side and take a bit of a break. I breathed in some fresh air and looked to see Clementine looking at me. I walk over to her and look inside the truck to see AJ and Aasim Junior were still sleeping.

"So how exactly did he sneak into the truck?" I asked Clem and she sighed.

"He was asking AJ if he could come and AJ told him no but of course Aasim Junior didn't want to listen so as we drove we hear a tap on the back window and guess who we see?" She asked and I point to the boy and she nods.

"Why didn't you turn back?" I asked.

"We were to far out and we wanted to get to you as soon as we could.... I know Ruby has to be freaking out but she will understand... I hope." Clem says and I nod a bit then looked to the truck and sighed.

"I didn't... when I left I freaked out." I tell her and she looks to me as I look to her.

"I thought I had seen Joan again.... And I thought she was in the bed and I wanted her gone... when sh... when you woke up and grabbed me I just... freaked." I explain to her.

"I think you really need to just talk about this to anyone... you use to talk to Omar, why not talk to him?" She asked and I crossed my arms and leaned on the truck.

"I know he won't judge me but I don't want to bother him wi-."

"You are not bothering us when you talk about this, you have trauma and a lot of it that you need to talk about... now I don't know how it was at the school and everything and I am not going to act like I do know but you need to talk about it." She says to me and I sighed and rubbed my neck.

"It's complicated." I mutter.

"I get it." She says and I look to her.

"Do you talk to Omar about this?" I asked her. She kept silent on it and I looked to the ground.

"I... I don't think-."

"Do you want to compare traumas? Because I will tell you that you have a bit more than I do... I mean with Joan and the Ra-."

"Don't." I interrupt her and she looks to me.

"Don't... say that word I hate that word so God damn much." I tell her and she nods at this.

"But you have had it bad... and I would like for you to have some way of... I don't know a hobby or something." She says and I think.

"Like fixing vehicles?" I asked.

"Sure, if that is what helps you deal with all this then we can find a junker for you to work on." She says.

"What about... wood work?" I asked.

"You want to try it?" She asked and I think and nod just a bit and she nods as well.

"Then I will help you get the supplies you need." She says and I nod at this and we get back into the truck. This time I was driving so that Clementine could get some rest and I drive up to the gate after an hour. I saw Willy and them open the gate and I drive in and park the car just as Ruby opened the back door and grabbed her son and Clementine gets out as do AJ and I.

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