Sick In The Head

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(Violet's Pov)

I see the people run up to the gate but I didn't want to let them in. I look to see Clementine hurry down and then I see AJ as he runs up to the gate and they open it. I sighed and take my revolver out and shoot a few of the Walkers that were by the gate. I glared at the people as I came down.

"Oh, thank god." I hear and I tap my head a bit as a splitting headache was coming in already. I look to see Javier and David but no Kate.

"Jesus thank you Clem." Javier says and I lean on the gate a bit and stare at them for a bit. I was pissed, no I was beyond pissed they should have been left out there to die, Joan said they were bad people, they couldn't be trusted not after what they did.

"Anyone bit?" I asked and they look to me.

"No, no one was." David says.

"Where is Kate?" I asked as I looked around.

"Back at our camp, we didn't think there was a heard coming this way." Javier says as he looked to Clementine. I glare at him then look to Clem who walked over to me.

"Not now." She whispers and I shake my head a bit.

"We can leave once the heard is gone, shouldn't be that long." David says and I crossed my arms.

"I don't remember inviting either of you two, to stay." I comment and they glare at me.

"Violet not now please." Clementine begged and I sighed as I looked to her.

"Fine, fine." I tell her and she nods and I head over to my trailer and saw the puppy laying by the door. I pet the dog a bit and listen to the others as they talked to the Garcia's. I was angry but I was a bit scared. I remember what happened to Romeo, I hated having them here after they broke my damn leg I just, felt... stressed. I tap my head a little and then looked back to the dog and pet it for a while before I hear the door open and I see Clementine walk in.

"You ok?" She asked and I shrugged a little and then went back to petting the dog.

"Got a name for it yet?" She asked and I think and look to the puppy.

"Sasha?" I asked and Clementine nods.

"Alright, Sasha is a good name." She tells me and I nod at this. I pet the dog for a little bit longer and I put my hand to my head a bit.

"Are you stressed out?" She asked.

"A little... I'll get over it, I'm a bit tired too." I mutter and she looked to me.

"You should sleep than, it is getting late." She tells me and I nod as I just do that. I don't know when I woke up but I just did and saw I was in the living room. I get up and walk out the trailer and saw the garcias and the others by the bonfire. I glare at them and made sure that my revolver was by my side as I go over to see Clem sitting next to Minerva.

"I thought you were sleeping?" She asked me and I nod.

"I guess I was... I don't know." I tell her.

"Do you know where you are?" Omar asked and I nodded.

"Texas, my old home." I tell him.

"Why the hell would she not know where she is?" David asked and I glare at him and then shake my head a bit and tap my head once more.

"We just like to remind people where we are." Ruby lied and I crossed my arms a bit. I look back to Clem and motioned for her to follow me, to which she does and we take a seat on the steps of our home. I look at her leg and then to her as she looked back to me.

"Can I see if you're leg it ok?" I asked and she nods as she took her leg off and I see the padding was ok for a bit and there were no rips or anything wrong with it, other than the foot wearing down I look to her.

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