Destroying Myself

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(Violet's Pov)

I woke up to the sound of people yelling so I get up and walk out the room and then out the house to see Luke yelling at AJ while Clem got in front of him so I ran up to them and shoved Luke.

"The fuck are you doing yelling at him?" I asked getting pissed at him.

"He was talking shit." Luke says.

"You don't need to be yelling at him you asshole." Clem says as she glared at him.

"The fuck is wrong with you people?" I asked.

"Nothing, the fuck is wrong with you?" He says pissed and I glare at him.

"You know what, get the fuck out, GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled at them.

"Jesus, fuck I thought you were a good one." He says and I glare at him.

"I swear to god if you don't leave, I'll blast your brains on the dirt floor." I threaten and he looks at me.

"You wouldn-."

"I FUCKING WOULD!" I yelled at him and he looks to me. I then look to the gate and saw the Walkers as they broke it and I groaned as they tried to get over the truck and I look to Clem as her and the others grabbed their guns and I go and grab a shovel and hit the Walker as it got over the truck.

"FUCKING HELL!" I hear Aasim yell and I hit another Walker before they tipped the truck.

"GET IN THE VEHICLES!" I hear AJ yell and I back up as a Walker came after me and I hit it.

"VIOLET!" I hear as I hit another Walker but it didn't die and I back up again.

"VIOLET GET IN THE HUMVEE!" Clem yells and I look over to her and I hurry over to the Humvee as they start it up and I see Luke and the others get into another vehicle and I glare at them as AJ rammed into the Walkers and the truck and hurries out. I turn around and looked to my home as Walkers go in it and I look down to the floor and I take a shaky breath.

"Vi?" I hear and I keep looking to the floor and I glare at it.

"Vi talk to me please." I hear but still say nothing as I grip my hand into a fist and I look up.

"When we stop I'm going to fucking kill them." I say.

"What?" AJ asked and I look to the window.

"I'm going to kill them." I say and we keep going before we had to stop and I get out and see that they were dumb enough to follow so I grabbed the pipe.

"Why are we stopping?" Luke asked and I hit the window of the vehicle they were in and glare at them.

"THAT WAS WHY I WANTED THE GATE FIXED! THAT WAS WHY!" I yelled and glare at them.

"Fuck, we didn't-."


"Shut up or the Walkers will hear you." Elenor says and I glare at her and the pipe was taken out of my hand and I look to see AJ.

"Don't." He says and I look at him and then back to the other three and I shake my head before we hear more Walkers.

"God damn it you idiot." Luke says and I glare at him. I then hurry and look to the map and point to one of the buildings nearby.

"Look there is a mall right here, we can stay there and hold out for a while." I tell them.

"Ok, that seems like a plan." Clem says and I look to the others.

"I'm fine with that, as long as the kids are safe." Ruby tells me and we hurry into the vehicles and head out. I glare as the other group follows up and I shake my head as AJ keeps driving.

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