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How Many Knives Is Too Many Knives?

You are a bounty hunter and friends with Mihawk. He finds your presence intriguing because of how open you are but deadly when you have to be. Drinking some wine together you recount an encounter with a few marines and Mihawk is not at all surprised with the outcome. Mihawk x Reader (Female) FLUFF!

I'd finished my business in town when I bumped into y/n of all people. They weren't collecting any bounty but simply enjoying some time off. On the outside, they weren't very intimidating, rather short and unassuming with their actions, but when they went to work a switch flipped in them and you didn't want to be on the other end of their blade. They had no alliance and worked for the highest bidder. We'd crossed paths multiple times over the years until on one encounter they suggested getting drinks, and we bonded over a shared interest in fine wine.

I wanted to leave this town and get home but they convinced me to get a drink and to catch up. Due to our reputations rumours spread of us dating but we had more of a teacher/student bond as y/n did come to me to ask for training. I was impressed with their skills and decided to keep them in my life. After a few drinks, they would joke around and intimidate people around us, but we'd never done anything more than simply kiss, both of us having too much respect for the other to ruin our friendship.

I enter the local tavern and everyone falls silent at my presence. I ignore them and glance around until my eyes land on y/n who was waving at me obnoxiously enjoying the scene I'd created. I stroll towards them and sit down opposite them, placing my sword against the wall but still within reach.

'I already ordered. Don't worry the wine here is decent, not the best but not the worst for the price,' y/n babbles, and starts pouring me a glass.

I bring the glass up to my nose and sniff, it doesn't smell bad, 'I never doubt your ability to pick a good wine no matter the location.'

They smile and raise their own glass towards me, 'I do love your compliments Dracule, makes me feel special, it's been too long.'

We clink glasses. y/n was one of the few people I openly complimented, 'yes it had been too long. Anything interesting happen?'

Their eyes light up at my question and they nod, 'Oh boy, I have a story. Happened yesterday, bloody marines getting nosey. I play for both sides sue me.'

I raise an eyebrow, 'what did they do?'

y/n sips their wine, 'a random search in the middle of town, so I put on a show.'

They would let many things slide, but Marines had a way of rubbing them the wrong way, and I knew this story would end with embarrassed Marines and a smug y/n. I motion for them to continue.

'There were four of them. One took my bag and asked if I had illegal weapons knowing I carry knives without even announcing they were doing a search. I was annoyed but I played alone,' they say calmly, but a glint in their eyes gave away they were more than just annoyed, 'they opened the bag and tipped all the contents on the street.'

'Then what happened?' I enquire, swirling the wine in the glass.

y/n smirks, 'I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled a switchblade out of my bra telling them we were going to do this search properly, they got flustered and tried to backtrack but I insisted.'

I shake my head and a smirk graces my lips, y/n had a nice body and a tonne of confidence, so it was easy to imagine them stripping to their undergarments to prove a point, 'you would have reported them, wouldn't you? If you're going to start something see it through to the end.'

y/n hums in approval, 'I told them I keep two strapped to my thighs and one in either boot. I got my fly open when they called off the search and apologised to me, but I got the final laugh.'

I put my glass down on the table and lean in closer and they mirror my action, 'what was the final laugh?' I ask.

They snigger, 'One of the marines looked new and young, poor kid got an erection.'

I bring my hand to my mouth to cover my outburst of laughter, needing to protect my brooding image, but y/n's eyes twinkled knowing they are one of the rare people to have made me laugh on multiple occasions. I kind of wish I'd been there to witness the scene since I imagine y/n keeping a straight face half undressed embarrassing the Marines because people in town would talk.

I lean back and pick up my glass, 'another toast, to dumb and horny marines. I approve of the amount of knives, better safe than sorry.'

We clink glasses again and y/n giggles, 'I'm just thankful I chose to wear a bra.'

I nearly spit out my wine, y/n would happily undone my image for their amusement. I hoped they'd be in my

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