Buggy Part 1

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I Finally See You! Part 1

Buggy finally sees you in a whole new light. Buggy x Reader


This was something I'd never live down, being held hostage, well my head being held hostage by a bunch of young adult pirates calling themselves The Straw Hat Pirates. When I first met them there were only three of them but now that number had doubled and I didn't like being outnumbered. They took it in turns looking after my head, but I hardly got taken out of that stinky bag they kept me in. Once I got my body back I'd bounce, and the next time they crossed me I would come out on top.

The only member of this stupid crew I could stand was y/n. I wasn't sure what they did, but they were quiet and kept to themselves making them an easy target. They had some past trauma and hardly any real-world experience so I could be a flirt and perverted and they took it on the chin. Until Zoro nearly threw me into the sea and told me to watch my tongue or lose it. y/n made an innocent remark asking if my tongue could also detach, and after a wink and a 'shall we find out together kitten' comment Zoro sent my head flying across the deck.


It was a hot day and you'd told Luffy you'd fix the damage done by Garp, but working under the hot sun was intense. You were in a pair of shorts and a loose blouse now drenched in sweat which clung to your body. Thinking you are alone you take off the blouse revealing the skimpy blue bikini stop Nami had convinced you to buy and the matching bottoms under your shorts. Little did you know someone was watching you.


The dumb swordsman was sleeping again, this time finding himself shade while leaving me exposed in the sweltering sun. I was about to unload a range of colourful insults when the sound of hammering caught my attention. I hop a little on my barrel and gulp, my eyes fixated on y/n of all people. They were inches away from me bent over fixing the side of the ship unaware of my presence.

I assumed y/n was a prude only having seen them in trousers and long sleeves, but I licked my dry lips and raised my eyebrows seeing them in shorts that left little to the imagination and long legs that would be perfectly wrapped around my waist as they rode me.

I shake my head, what was I thinking? y/n was fun to mess with and nothing more.

Next thing I know y/n is taking off the blouse, and if I was attached to my body I might have just got a hard-on. Why did y/n choose to hide such a magnificent body? The blue bikini top is the same shade as my hair, and I vaguely remember y/n saying their favourite colour was blue. As y/n picks up a glass of water I allow my eyes to wander, like a moth to a flame. Noticing how small their hands were as they reached up to wipe sweat from their brow, but could probably easily wrap around my dick, and how when they arched their back their chest jutted out and little droplets of sweat run down them. Fuck, they would look good arching beneath me.

I curse and y/n gasps loudly hearing me, 'Oh my god--'

I smirk, 'Not god kitten, but I can be whoever you want me to be.'

I'm surprised they don't immediately cover up, instead leaning down to my height giving me a very nice view of their chest, 'Did Zoro leave you in the sun?'

I pout, playing the sympathy card, y/n was too nice and I loved attention, 'wouldn't even give me any water, I'm parched kitten.'

y/n liked cats so my nickname was appropriate, even if they didn't understand the real meaning behind it.

'You can share my glass Buggy, I'll scold Zoro later,' y/n huffs, clearly annoyed at the swordsman as they bring the water to my lips and I start drinking, 'I'll give them a right tongue lashing...I think I overheard Sanji say that once.'

I spit out the water and it lands on y/n's chest, soaking into the material, 'you're one of a kind y/n. if you need any advice I'm sure I could offer some lip service. Maybe when the others are sleeping.'

y/n blushes and I'm not quite sure if they understand me, 'I think we've both had too much sun Buggy, let's get us both inside and you can stay with me for the rest of the day.'

Before I can protest y/n picks me up, and for a split second I'm pressed between their breasts before they turn my head. y/n was going to be the death of me, and I wasn't going to look at them the same way ever again.

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