Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I’d blacked out from the impact. However, this time, I dreamt. I found myself being moved around like a doll as my dream took the form of my latest memories—my cell. Somewhere a button was pushed and I was living through it all over again—but going backwards from Emma’s last touch. Astonishingly, I was reliving my time in this cell in reverse, but every second that I backed through was blurred from my mind. It was frightening to notice that everything was being erased from my mind.

I was forgetting …. But I couldn’t stop it.

I was helpless.


And then I was awake.

I studied the corners of my jail cell, numb as I stared blankly at some purple fungus seeping through a few cracks. I couldn’t think at all, for there was an empty and hollow feeling in the back of my head. I felt like something else should be there, though my brain had short-circuited and I couldn’t come up with what it was.

Something was missing…

I waited, instinctively waiting for something to happen… but nothing happened.

And then it came to me… a voice… A voice was missing… No, two… or was it just one? My thoughts were fuzzy, and I couldn’t tell where they were going… Maybe it was three… or was it two?

“Good, you’re awake.” The voice startled me out of my haze, “I thought you were a goner.”

“Who are you?” My eyes widened with curiosity, Was he the voice?

“What? Luna, don’t play jokes on me…”

“That’s my name, right?” I smiled a little in triumph as I recalled my own name, “What’s your name?”

“Luna? Oh no… They finally did it didn’t they?”

“Did what?” I gave the man a friendly smile… and then suddenly noticed he was naked. “Oh my gosh! Why are you—” I blushed and hastily looked away.

My eyes landed on the cuffs on my hands and feet. I tugged at one, and giggled a little at the tinkling sound it made. I felt a little loopy as I swayed slightly in my spot. I had a sudden urge to burst out into song, laugh, and then have some kind of party.

“What did they do to you?” Caleb sounded horribly panicked.

I hummed a little absentmindedly, and the fog In my mind cleared a little. “Nothing….” I giggled again, “Who’s they?” I chirped, “Do they look like us?”

“Great.” Caleb face-palmed, his words dripping in sarcasm “at least you haven’t forgotten how to talk.”

“Why would I forget how to talk?” I mistakenly glanced over at him, and then there was a sudden motion in my abdomen. Without a thought I screamed, scrambling to stand and searching for whatever had just did that.

“What?!” Caleb was alarmed, “What is it?”

“S-something moved!” I stuttered, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. “Right here!” I pointed at my stomach, and when I looked at it myself I screamed again.

“Stop with the screaming!” Caleb ordered, but I didn’t listen.

“Oh my god! What is that?!” I wanted to touch my swollen stomach, but I was shaking uncontrollably. “A-am I sick?!” I rand my hands through my hair worriedly. “What did I effing eat?!”

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