Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

“We’re fine.” I cradled my stomach, which I may have hallucinated being bigger than it used to. “We’ve made it for two weeks. Just a few more,” I encouraged it, hating the aches that throbbed in sporadic places on my body. “Daddy’s coming soon.” I tried to hold back the tears, but yet those stupid hormones had them falling before I could even try to hold them back. “He’ll save us.”

“Stop saying that.” Caleb chided me, “You said that two weeks ago. Nobody’s coming for us. It’s impossible.”

“Be quiet!” I shrilled, “He can hear you!” I said desperately, looking down at my tummy.

“So it’s a boy?”

“I don’t know.” I sighed, “And I don’t know if I can stand this any longer, Caleb.” I took a slow, deep breath, and then shakily released it. In and out…. In and out…. In... out…. In and out…. Out… in… in and out? Out or in? In and out…. In and out…. I looked down at my hands, feeling that I had to tell him. It wouldn’t be fair for him to not know I would be leaving…. I sighed, and took one last deep breath. In… and out…. And in; “If he doesn’t kill me soon, I’m doing it myself.” I set my eyes to stone.

“What?!” Caleb’s eyes widened, “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.” I said darkly, though I gave my tummy a tender look. Don’t worry, baby. We’ll be safe….


I refused to make another sound, even though every hit, every stab, every punch, every kick had me doubled over in pain. I was doing an extraordinary job of protecting my stomach, though, which was the only glimmer of optimism I could grasp. At least my baby’s perfectly fine.

I gave my attacker a look that could kill, but, as always, he wasn’t affected one miniscule bit. He towered over my battered and naked body, the perfect image of pure evil. My vision was so blurry that I could barely make out his black, shaggy hair. I never got to see the color of his eyes, nor any of his facial feature could I recall. It seems that I must be losing my memory from the total amount of times I had been hit in the head.

I think what was making everything so horrible was the fact that I could heal myself. Caleb had explained that there was something on this alien planet that increased a werewolf’s power; such as the healing. However, it seemed that these aliens that looked like humans were very intelligent to have come up with a way to contain us in these cells. It may have been slightly comforting to know I was stronger than on Earth, but the enhanced healing is complete torture as of now. To come this close to death, only to the heal, and then have this man come back and bring me back to the brink of death…. It was excruciating.

“Still not saying anything?!” He growled, his irritation scarily real. “Who’s the witch?! Tell me! Tell me!”

“Get off of me.” I gritted my teeth, hating the fact that my voice sounded so weak. “Get away from me!”

He kicked my thigh, and I swore I heard something crack. I flinched, but did nothing else. I had to bite my lip so as not to scream, but tears streamed down my face and I had a feeling my face was turning red. Everything hurts so badly.

“Just kill me!” I couldn’t take it anymore. “Just kill me!”

His maniacal laughter bounced off the walls, and I kept my eyes shut tightly as he said; “Tell me the name of the witch.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I snapped like the wounded animal I was. “Blue eyes, huh? Is that the only clue I get, genius?! Billions of people on Earth have blue eyes you idiot! Just kill me, now!” I pleaded, and so caught up was I that I hadn’t noticed him raise the knife again. With lightning fast movements, the man was able to plunge the blade into left shoulder. It wasn’t too deep, but it was enough that I wanted to scream bloody murder.

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