The Fires of Pompeii Part One

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After what had happened in the library, the Doctor had kept an eye on Amanda; making sure to stay close to her in case another incident were to occur, but the ravenette made sure to try her hardest to ignore the sound, even though it was becoming harder and harder for her to ignore. To be honest, only a few things were able to distract Amanda enough from the sound; thoughts about her friends and family and getting to know Donna. Donna was the best distraction as she is hilarious and always ready to speak her mind, which was very refreshing for the ravenette.

For Donna's first official trip on the Tardis, the Doctor had decided to surprise them, not telling them where they had landed until they stepped out of the Tardis. Amanda was greeted to the view of multiple stalls on the street they were on, everywhere she turned to more and more vendors and people would appear.

"Ancient Rome! Well, not for them, obviously. To all intents and purposes, right now, this is brand new Rome." The Doctor said as he led them through the busy street.

Most of the people on the street would ignore the Doctor and Donna and walk past them but the moment they saw Amanda, some people would stop and gawked at her, some would whisper among themselves as they watched her, and others seemed to be praying to her; causing the ravenette to stick closely to the Doctor and their new red-haired companion.

Donna looks around in amazement, turning her head around to capture every little thing. "Oh, my God. it's, it's so Roman." she said with a shake of her head before turning to the Doctor. "This is fantastic." Donna said before pulling the Doctor into a hug.

"Ha, ha." the Doctor laughs as he accepted the hug. Donna then let's go and pulls Amanda into a hug, which she gladly returns.

"I'm here, in Rome. Donna Noble in Rome." Donna says as she begins walking, the Doctor and Amanda follow her. "This is just weird. I mean, everyone here's dead." she said, turning to them.

"Well, don't tell them they're dead. Might spoil their day." Amanda told her before waving at a group of children, who giggle and wave excitedly at her. A tiny head pops out of the group and leaves, catching Amanda's attention. A familiar yet strange feeling spreads over her as she watches the child take something from a nearby stall and rushes over to her, ignoring the violent shouts from the vendor the child stole from as he was determined to give something to her. Amanda automatically bent down and held out her hand, which the child quickly handed the item they stole; obviously nervous but excited as he watched and waited for her reaction.

Amanda turns to the Doctor and Donna (who were watching her interaction with smiles on their faces and waving to the other children who were watching them), smiling at them before turning back to the child

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Amanda turns to the Doctor and Donna (who were watching her interaction with smiles on their faces and waving to the other children who were watching them), smiling at them before turning back to the child. "Aren't you a sweetie?" Amanda says to the child before looking at the item he had given her. It was mini seashells being held together by rope and animal glue to form a flower. "This is beautiful!" she said, giving the child a big smile. Surprised and honestly a bit worried that a child would go to such length just for her, a random stranger. 

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