Partners in Crime Part One

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After a few months of traveling around the universe with the Doctor, Amanda decided it was time to go back to Earth; well, it was more like the Doctor accidently landed the Tardis in the wrong year. They were meant to visit the Roman Empire after Amanda made a comment about wanting to see gladiators. They were instead meant with the sight of Big Ben on their doorstep, which made Amanda burst out into laughter after making fun of the Doctor's piloting. 

"How is it after all these years that you have never read the manual? Even I have read it, it's not that hard. I can read it to you if you like." Amanda teased as the Doctor and her stopped by a flower shop. 

"I don't need a manual!" the Doctor told her, rolling his eyes at her. "I can pilot the Tardis perfectly; it was just a small mistake." he insisted to her, making the ravenette laugh. 

Amanda picked up a bouquet of roses and smiled as she smelt them before setting them down and picking up a bright arrangement of hydrangeas and baby breath. She quietly spoke to the flower shop attendant as the Doctor looked at his sonic screwdriver with confusion. After placing her order and making sure the attendant got the correct address, she walked over to the Doctor. 

"What's wrong?" she asked him, noticing his change in attitude. 

The Doctor frown deepened. "Turns out it wasn't a mistake landing here, I'm getting readings from that building over there." he said, pointing with his sonic screwdriver to a large glass building. Amanda looked over at the sign that read 'Adipose Industries'. 

The ravenette sighed. "Here I thought I was going to finally be able to visit the Jones Family and my father. Oh well, I guess back to the Tardis." she said, heading in the direction where they parked the Tardis. 

"Where are you going? The building is that way." he said to her, pointing to the building that was in the opposite direction that they were walking. 

Amanda rolled her eyes. "Did you honestly think they would allow us, mainly me into that building looking like this?" she motioned over to her outfit. "Everyone who is walking in is wearing more business professional clothes, we would be kicked out in a matter of seconds plus we need to come up with a plan." she told him. 


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Once they reached the Tardis, Amanda went straight to get changed as the Doctor researched the business that had piqued their interest. She changed into a white button up shirt, matching black blazer and skirt, along with shiny red high heels. She most likely was going to hurt her feet later but she couldn't help but keep the heels on, liking how they completed the look and added a pop of color.  

She walked back into the counsel room, peering over the Doctor's shoulder to see what he had found on the monitor. "'The fat walks away?'" she read the rest of the information, frowning at the lack of information concerning the diet pills. 

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