Chapter 8

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He was back. He was  here. In the clearing. Back in Forks. Back in my life. I clutched Jacob's fur. This is why he didn't want me here. He was trying to keep me  from Him.

"Bella, I was trying to keep you from the pain..." Jacob whispered into my head.

"I know Jacob. But you  can't keep me from this." I whispered. I kissed behind his ear and  turned to face Edward. I instantly regretted it.

The moment we locked  eyes, the pain that had subsided in my chest, came back and was now  spreading through my body like a wildfire. New and old emotions boiled  deep inside me until I released them. I thought it would calm the fire  in me, but it only fueled it. I collapsed to my knees screaming in pain.  The fire burned through everything in its path.

"JACOB!" I shrieked. "HELP ME!"  but I knew he couldn't. none of them could. I dug my nails into the  earth below me and felt hot tears streaming down my face uncontrollably.  My bones popped out of place and I felt my body start to shudder  violently. I was clenching my teeth so hard I thought they might break.  What was happening?

I cried out once last time before my body thrashed and the pain disappeared. I started  panting and felt my tongue fall out of my mouth. I looked over at Jacob  as he walked to me hesitantly like you would a wild animal. I sensed his  fear and nervousness. I looked up into his eyes and saw my reflection  starting back at me. My eyes widened as what I saw. Instead of seeing a  pale human, I saw a large deep mahogany she-wolf. I saw a force not to  be reckoned with. No this was impossible. I had absolutely no Quileute  blood in me.

"Bella, welcome to the pack."  Jacobs voice came to through the pack mind. This time it wasn't because  of my weird mind reading power, it was because I was part of the pack.

"Whoa! Alpha Bella!" - Quil

"Damn! She's as big as Jacob. Man I'm smaller than a girl." -Paul.

"I told you there was something off!" - Embry

"Guys! Stop talking! Your going to make her head hurt." -Seth.

"Bella honey, don't freak out."- Jacob.

"I knew you were special Bella"- Sam

"Bella?" this time,  Edwards voice held a hint of disgust. I turned my big head to him and  slowly walked to him. I stumbled the whole way there, not being used to  be on 4 legs.

I wiggled my nose and  scrunched up my face as I got a whiff of the too sweet bleach like smell  of vampires. I swallowed back a cough and studied him. He looked the  same as he did when he left me in the woods. He was wearing a button up  blue shirt and khakis and his tousled brown hair was a little messed up  from running.

His emotions flashed  across his perfect face. First disbelief, then anger then disgust, then  complete and utter shock. I winced slightly and went to take my last  step to him. But I never go to because he swung his arm out, hitting me  in the shoulder and sending me flying back against a tree hard. I fell  to the ground in a furry heap. I heard and felt the crunch of my bones  from where I landed and where he had hit me. With a normal wolf, the  landing would have stung but not have broken anything. But I wasn't  normal. My bones were still building to accommodate this form so I was  more fragile.

The shock of Edward hitting me came before the pain of the blow. Never in my life did I ever think he would hurt me on purpose.

A scream slipped out of  my mouth as I involuntarily phased. The cold air hit my naked body at  once. Good thing I had a werewolves body temp. I knew for a fact that my  left arm/shoulder was broken, and maybe a couple of ribs. I couldn't  feel the pain much anymore really. When I looked over at my boys' pain  stricken faces, I understood why I wasn't feeling anything. They were  taking the pain from me.

"Bella!," Seth shouted,  "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" he bellowed in raw anger, at I'm assuming,  Edward. It surprised me that sweet, quiet ol' Seth could have that kind  of anger in him.

I looked over at Jake  and saw him being restrained by Sam, Paul, and Jared. He was thrashing  hard against there hold, wanting to rip Edward's head off for hurting  me. Every single one of his instincts, man and wolf, screamed for him to  kill the one who hurt me. The look on his face was of anger and pain.  Anger for Edward hurting me and pain for the pain I was feeling.

The rest of the pack was walking toward me with plain anger and pain on their faces.

I saw the Cullens  standing there in shock. Edward and Carlisle were missing. Esme was  crying dry tears and Jasper looked deep in concentration. Probably  trying to calm everybody down. I finally just closed my eyes.

A loud roar of rage  ripped through the forest. I knew it was Jacob. I wish I could move. I  wish I had the strength to get up and calm him down.

"Jacob.." my lips formed his name but only a small screech came out.

I opened my eyes back up  when I felt a warm hand on my cheek. I couldn't find a reason to care  that Seth was seeing me naked. In the state I was in, it didn't seem to  matter.

I felt some of the pain  coming back. The 3 boys who were holding Jake couldn't concentrate on  keeping it away any longer. Hot tears of misery fell down my cheeks.

"Bella...Baby don't cry. I  know it hurts. Carlisle went back to get his medical supplies. When he  gets back, we'll take you to Billy's and fix you right up. Hey no. No  stay with me Bella. Stay awake honey. Please Bella...stay-" Seth started  saying when I felt my eyelids get heavy. I heard him yell something over  his shoulder. I closed my eyes and gave myself to the blackness.

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