The Instructor

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This is dedicated to Juliana Chen, creator of Magic Cat Academy and owner of the real-life Momo. Thank you for such an amazing Doodle idea. I hope I am not violating your beliefs or your privacy in any way by doing this, because I am naming one of my characters after you - an important one too, that is. "Instructor Juliana" is a major element in this story, both for changing Momo's course of life as well as many other things...

Well, enough of spoilers. Enjoy your read~!


Juliana was not a make-believe. But she was a dreamer, and she often dreamed of a different future.

A future that belonged to not only the human warlocks and witches, but also the so-called sorcerers and sorceresses - animals capable of wielding magic. Admittedly, the term came from a children's fairytale. It told of a different reality where humans were only one of the many kinds that ran the world. Alongside animals, signing pacts of peacefully coexistence. Such a fantasy was so beautiful, so unrealistically ideal, yet it bewildered the young witch as to why so many people grow to disbelieve, and even fear it with an unspoken agreement. It almost became common sense by now. Warlock and witch children would be told the stories of the sorcerers and sorceresses, which they might as well enjoy, but sooner or later they would "learn" that it was the mere imagination of somebody out of their mind a long, long time ago, and that they should be wary had any strange occurrences happen around an animals, anything that might point out that it was a sorcerer.

Naturally, sorcerers and sorceresses were different from beasts - though that was an easy mistake. Beasts were forces of nature, and their abilities could be either a blessing akin to spring rains or a sight of doom to a pitiful death, where the victim could only helplessly fade away to the greater world.

Yet beasts didn't scare the warlocks and witches the way sorcerers and sorceresses did. Capable of wielding magic in the same fashion as humans, such creatures were seen as a threat to the sovereignty that they were so egoistic about: they we're reluctant to share the world.

Humans were truly, truly selfish.

"Do not say that, instructor. Every creature is selfish by nature. Us sorcerers just never found a reason to."

She couldn't help but break a smile at the voice. Low, reserved, and no less sophisticated, it belonged to one of her students - a sorcerer.

Years ago, lost and injured in a jungle far south to the Academy, Juliana had stumbled upon a swamp and had a shocking discovery: sorcerers were real, living beings in this world. It wasn't that she hadn't grown to think of the fairytale as no more than a myth, but unlike others, she wasn't afraid to welcome them to her life. The family of sorcerers she met in the swamp - the frogs of von-Schwartz - had helped her out of her predicament, albeit reluctantly. She knew, of course, that they were even considering killing her off, so that their location wouldn't be revealed. The lush jungle would hide her body, and with that the secret of their existence.

But a little frog had come up to her as she was resting and, interestingly, asked:

"Miss witch, do warlocks and witches really eat sorcerers for lunch?"

"Why, never! If they do, wouldn't I be eating you right now?"

"Well, because there are many of us, and only one of you," he pondered, and answered, "Actually, I don't know. Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I don't want to," Juliana simply said, and the conversation supposedly ended there. The Academy Instructor pulled out a book on southern flora to read as she waited for the potion applied on her knee to fully take effect. It was the best that the frog sorcerers could conjure - as they wanted her to leave as fast as possible - still, the poison of Southern Flora inflicted on an open wound was not anything to be taken lightly. It had to be some time before she could safely use her leg.

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