The Sorceress

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A few months into living under Goldiha Avian's roof, Momo decided that it was time to share her little secret with at least one trustworthy creature. She had snuck out by every sundown to the Ghost House all the way down the street, deep into a dark alley. And every single time, Muffin would ask her if she had let anyone know and if she had let anything slip, to both questions she would reply with a 'no'. She was being careful, wanting to cherish every moment, fearing that it'd end because of a stupid mistake she couldn't foretell coming. However, as she slowly got used to becoming a house cat, she became more natural and less on edge, which was even better, because Teris kept inquiring why she looked so nervous all the time.

Speaking of Teris... They had gotten close ever since she declared that she would be staying - to his delight, Goldiha's, and her own. He was like a big brother to her more than anything, much better than the human siblings by blood who kept arguing on the streets, was there to help her adapt to her new environment, and let her have her moments of solitude despite - she never missed a hint - the fact that he still wanted to show her around and get to know her some more. In return, she showed him how stray cats got around - on roofs and trees and fences, through holes so small it seemed impossible to even fit a head, and in between packed, moving obstacles, such as human legs in a market. She knew a great deal about how to quickly devise a path to take with the shortest time spent, maneuvering with such grace and speed that house cats failed to catch, and she was more than happy to finally have somebody to listen to her, hearing out the advice that every wandering feline was supposed to learn from painful experience. They would run from rooftop to rooftop, annoy some birds and scare some butterflies late to find shelter from the night, and have a good laugh about it. When they weren't up to such leisurely activities, Teris introduced her to more relaxing ones involving the various toys Goldiha had put into a separate room. Lucky never thought she'd actually skip around with yarn balls or roll down from a cat tree without landing on her legs just for once, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Still, the one thing she kept a secret to him was probably the one that would steer the course of this wonderful life now to something else she wouldn't be able to expect, and she was anxious.

You've got to tell him sooner or later. Momo scolded herself. He's a cat like you, he wouldn't judge. She then frowned at the statement. No, he WOULD judge. Teris is an ordinary cat and you're a sorceress. Nope, totally not normal.

However, she gathered herself and told Teris to join her on the roof by twilight. Whether he would take the new piece of information well, she had to give it a shot.

"So... what is it, wallflower?"

'Wallflower'. Teris fixed that nickname on her, even though she had told him her name was Momo, claiming that it fit her timid behavior. It's not that she minded. The name sounded cute, and he meant well.

"Um..." Momo stuttered. Now that she was faced with his deep blue eyes, she found it hard to utter a word she was meant to say.

"I just..." she tried to calm her irregular breath while racking her head for a way to respond. Teris was a patient cat - Momo couldn't tell if she liked or disliked that feat of his, for he could be annoyingly persistent sometimes, though she was also unsure if she wanted him to brush it off once she told him some wacky nonsense to excuse why she wanted to see him. Part of her screamed, demanding Momo to spill the beans, seizing no better chance, but she was scared with a fear that had printed too deep in her soul.

"Hey, take it slowly," Teris reassured her, "We have all night, all day, all the time, however you'd like. We're cats, after all. We're not bound by the rules that humans follow."

Momo buried her muzzle into the soft fur of his neck. Unlike her shaking form, he gave her a sense of trust that she had learnt by now to surpass that of strays. Teris shifted his position so that she ended up resting her head against his belly, fitting right between his front legs comfortably, with his tail wrapping a loose round, securing the front, as if he was shielding her. Momo traced her tail on his hind leg, her eyes fixed on his front paw, feeling the life before she came to the witch's house so distant. It had been a bliss. And now, she might be ending it with only a few sentences.

"You... um, might or might not believe me when I say this..." she began again, "There's this secret I've been keeping from everyone - from you, and I shouldn't let anyone know b-...because..." her voice reduced to barely above a whisper, "I don't want to die just yet..."

Teris' lack of response worried her. Still, she swallowed the lump that was rising in her throat and continued:

"I promised a friend not to. He was first to care for me, like what you're doing right now, and that was my first promise. I promised him to hang onto life, and to do so, I must conceal myself. Warlocks and witches won't treat our kind so friendly."

"Woah woah, hold on," Teris cut her off, "Isn't that a little farfetched? Sure, cat shelters exist because not everyone can treat cats well, but what even brought you to a vow of life and death like that? I know you've been a stray for longer than you've been a domestic, you're mature and you know a ton of unbelievable stuff, but-" 

The grey tom suddenly fell silent as Momo's words finally sank in.

"Hold on," he frowned, "What do you mean by 'conceal yourself'? Everyone knows that you're a cat at first sight. I'm super confused right now."

"Of course you would. By 'us' I meant my friend and I, not you and I. Those are... different," Momo mumbled, "I am a sorceress."

"Saucer-what?" Teris arched an eyebrow. If the black cat spent a gaze at his face, she would find it comical, but she kept her face in his neck.

"Sorceress," Momo repeated, "Have you ever heard of that?"

"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."

"In short, we're much like non-human witches," Momo explained, "There are magical beings like the wyvern, the pegasi, or the krakens, but they mostly have the forces of nature on their side only. Sorceresses, on the other hand, have more of a variety, including conjuring spells and charms. Physically weaker, but magically more powerful."

"So... You're saying that you're a cat witch?"

"Something like that."

"Oh wow... Now that explains why you can get Goldi to name you right," Teris mused, "So what's wrong with being a sorceress? Warlocks and witches hate your kind and what to eliminate every last one of you? Oh wait, that's the point, isn't it?"

Momo nodded. Teris started piecing things together, mumbling as he arranged his thoughts.

"Come to think about it... Maybe I've heard children's stories about sorcerers and sorceresses a time or two. It is said that your kind can develop from just about anything, from animated objects to normal animals to magical beings! You can use wands and imitate warlock spells."

"I think so..? I just know that I have magic and all, though I never use much of it."

"That's amazing! I don't know HOW much you can do, but you can sneak your thoughts into Goldi's head, that's just... bizarre! In a good way, I mean."

"No, it's not good at all!" Momo exclaimed, "None of us asked to be born like this, and whenever strange occurrences happen, we always have to take the blame. Be it world domination or something? Why humankind cares so much about being the boss of the world, I can't understand, but many sorcerers before me have died for that cause. My friend has because his owner was afraid that he might kill him. It's as if we are illegally born!"

"Shush there, Wallflower," Teris nuzzled her, "Goldi is a good witch, no? And if you're unwilling to let her know for, well, let's assume forever, then I'm here to cover things up for you! Flying dishes, disappearing pillows, you turning pink, I'll think of something. And if I can't then, I guess I'll visit you every day with milk and fish so you won't starve on the streets or get attacked by angry warlocks. Is that alright?"

The black cat only sank further into his breast fur.

"Hmm, you smell of distrust still," he commented, "Sorry, it's not THAT obvious, but since you are literally tensing against my body... Anyhow, why don't you give things a shot? Nothing good will ever come if you refuse to take risks."

Momo glanced up, and Teris returned her gaze with a soft smile. He licked her nose comfortingly:

"So, will you trust me?"

Magic Cat Academy: The Adventures of MomoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon