Chapter 10: runs in the family

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Leo pov:

I stumbled out of the med bay and saw my entire family looking at me with anticipation.

"What were you two doing in there?" Donnie smirks, nodding to me.

Omigosh I probably look so disheveled. I can feel my face radiating heat.

"Ohoho you knowww- had to make sure she's okay eheh... you guys wanna meet her or what?" I say nervously, trying to snap out of the haze I was in, leaning against the doorway.

Donnie isn't buying it but Mikey looks ready to explode. "Leo I wanna meet your human friend so bad!!"

"Let's not overwhelm her okay Mikey? No hugs yet." Raph says, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Mikey nods.

Splinter looks at me and nods before walking away.

I gulp. I told splinter I wanted to impress her.

"Dee do you know what kinda pain killers to give her?" I stammer, looking to him.

Donnie laughs confidently. "You really are helpless without me. It's best to just start with a simple dose of Advil and see what that does. There's some in the medbay already."

I sigh. "Perfect. Okay come in. But be normal!"

They all share a look and file in after me.

Y/N is sitting up in the bed, her hair messy and her cheeks a cute pink.

I felt a twinge of desire but I stomped it down.

"Y/N, I would like you to meet my family. This is-" I begin to announce, before Mikey pushes ahead of me and stands at her side. I feel myself bristle a little that he just went up to her like that.

"I'm Mikey! I am so so stoked to meet you Y/N. We are never get to meet humans!" He exclaims.

I roll my eyes.

Y/N smiles brightly. "It's so nice to meet you! I never get to meet mutant turtle crime fighters either!"

"Right then- Mikey- ahem. This is my big brother Raph." I point to Raph, who politely waves.


"And my twin brother Donnie. Although just one of us got the looks." I mumble, smirking and pointing at him.

"Yeah and the other one got the brains. Only one of us will keep until old age." He retorted, replacing Mikey by Y/N's bedside.

"Y/N, it's an honor to meet you. Color me impressed for your patience to tolerate my brother. And- I'm impressed by your bravery to get so close to a yokai. It's refreshing to see this from a human." Donnie tells her, making me simmer even more.

Y/N keeps her bright smile. "Thanks Donnie. I- I just wanted to get a good photo. Any good photographer would. I mean- I'm still processing what I saw."

"I didn't mean to worry all of you. Or leach off of your kindness and hospitality. Really you all have been so kind to me and I'm so grateful."

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