Chapter 28

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Being back on track with Emma got Regina feeling happier than ever. She hadn't even reprimanded her parents for meddling in her relationship. She realized it wasn't worth it, because she was dating Emma again.

"I got your mail from the mailbox," Emma said as she threw some envelopes on the kitchen table. Regina was cooking and she herself was delighted by the smells coming from the pans. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

She abruptly turned around and raised her eyebrows. Surprised giggles escaped her and she hurried towards Emma to hug her, accidentally hitting the ladle against her head.

Regina barely noticed it, though, and she kissed Emma fiercely on the lips. "I love you!" she exclaimed, before she went in for a searing kiss again. "And I'm sorry, I got tomato sauce in your hair."

Emma laughed and briefly rubbed the back of her head. "Is that a yes?"

"Absolutely," Regina said and kissed Emma again before she hurried back to the stove. Emma followed her and wrapped her arms around her from behind.

"I love you," she whispered and kissed the shell of her ear. "And this smells wonderful," she added. "I'm going to take a quick shower and wash the tomato sauce out of my hair."

Regina turned around to look at her girlfriend - she liked the sound of that word - and pouted. "Without me? Is that any way to celebrate the beginning of a relationship?"

"No, but I'm sweaty from my work day and I want to be fresh for dinner.. and dessert."

"I reek of tomato sauce," Regina responded. "So there's no excuse. And I have this inkling that dessert is going to make you much sweatier and filthier."

Emma cupped Regina's cheek and smiled, before she pressed her lips against Regina's nose. "Well, okay then," she said, pretending to be reluctant.

Regina kissed her once again and bit her lower lip. It was three months since they'd decided to pick things up again and Regina still felt very blessed. Everything was going in the right direction and she knew it would stay that way forever.


"You look so hot right now." Regina rolled her eyes as she heard Emma's comment coming from the doorway. She herself was standing in the bathroom, fixing her makeup. "It makes me think of all the things I want to do to you."

Emma approached Regina and kissed her neck. "We could go all.. night.. long," she whispered and kissed Regina's neck again.

Regina turned around and smirked. "It's not working, Emma."

Emma grunted and pouted. "If we cancel all evening plans, we could do it in every room in the house." She tried to sound seductive, but she knew Regina wouldn't budge. "Fine. I'll meet your parents," she gave in, when Regina didn't say anything and just looked at her. "They don't like me, Regina."

"But I love you and we've been together for a few weeks now. They're dying to officially meet you as my girlfriend. I'm going to make sure they're nice to you."

Regina gave Emma a comforting smile and squeezed her hand, before she gave her a quick kiss. "I love you and your parents do too, so at least I have one thing in common with them."

The line caused Regina to smile and she gave Emma one more kiss. She felt her girlfriend's hot body against her own and tried to pull her even closer. She loved being close to Emma.

"We don't have to be on time," Regina said, with a husky voice, and bit her lower lip as she tugged Emma's dress.

"Uh uh. If we're not going to do it marathon wise in every room of your house, we're not going to do it at all," she replied, sternly, and Regina chuckled.

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