Chapter 6

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Back to past...

The party had started about an hour and a half ago and it was going surprisingly well. There were tons of people, most of whom Regina didn't even recognize, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

She'd spent a fortune on drinks and alcohol - which had been hard to confiscate, but fortunately, Kathryn and Daniel had some connections. They'd taken care of it.

Everything was as it was supposed to be and yet Regina wasn't fully enjoying herself. She knew Emma hadn't even confirmed her presence, but she kept gazing around, to see if the blonde had arrived.

She pretended not to be distracted, though, as she talked to some people from her year. They'd never spoken to her before, but now that they'd discovered she wasn't just a girl who got straight A's in school, they seemed to like her more. Regina dug that.

"You did it."

Regina turned around and looked at Emma, who was holding a burning cigarette between her fingers. Regina had rather people didn't smoke inside the house, but she wasn't going to deny Emma anything.

"I did," Regina replied and took a sip of her iced tea.

"Just because you want to talk to me?"

Regina smiled insecurely and shrugged. "Well.. I feel it's safe to assume that feeling is mutual."


"You came here, right? You wouldn't have done that if you were as desperate to avoid me as you constantly claim you are."

Emma put the cigarette between her lips and let her eyes roam over Regina's body. She took a drag, blew out the smoke and sighed.

"Alright. I'll give you two minutes."

"In private," Regina said, once she noticed the many people surrounding them. She didn't need anyone to hear what she had to say, because it was not considered appropriate. "Let's go upstairs."

Emma squinted her eyes, but sighed and followed Regina to her bedroom. Regina had locked all the doors upstairs to prevent people from having sex in her or her parents' room.

She closed the door once Emma was inside and watched the girl taking in her entire room. "It's nice," Emma said as she walked towards her desk.

Regina looked around her own room. She liked it a lot. One wall was pastel purple and the others were white. Her bed was queen sized with lots of fluffy pillows and she had a large desk that was always clean. Regina didn't like messes, so whenever she'd made one, she always made sure to clean it up.

Emma sat down on a chair and put her feet up Regina's desk. Regina wanted to say something about it, but she swallowed back her words.

"What do you so desperately want to tell me?"

Regina awkwardly sat down on the bed and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. She didn't really know anymore. She just knew she'd wanted to talk to Emma for two weeks now, but she hadn't actually envisioned it.

"I'm.. not sure."

Emma smirked and cocked an eyebrow. "Okay, let me get this straight. You planned this party for two weeks, spent a ton of money on drinks and invited the entire school to your house just so you could talk to me, but now that I'm actually listening, you don't have anything to say?"

Regina tensed her shoulders. "I guess," she said with a slight smile. "I just.. I liked that Friday night. God knows I've wanted to do that since.. forever, and it was good." She inhaled deeply and rubbed her lap. "Sorry, I don't usually speak so straightforward."

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