Chapter 7

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Present time...

"Regina, I'm here on behalf of both Graham and mysel.."

Emma Swan came walking into her office and Regina immediately felt her face turn into a scowl. It was as though every meeting with Emma made it harder for her to like the woman.

Last Friday, after Regina had left the restaurant, Mal and Emma had spent the entire evening together. Even though Mal had apologized several times, Regina was still angry at her girlfriend. She'd expected Mal's support and she hadn't gotten it.

"It's "Madame Mayor" in the workplace," Regina interrupted Emma and forced herself to smile politely.

"That's an upgrade. It's only in the workplace now, I think I can work with that," Emma said and her voice was layered with amusement. "Well, Madame Mayor, see how well I did that? We have a slight delay on the evaluation on the mines and so we were wondering if you could postpone the deadline to Friday, instead of tomorrow."

"No," Regina replied and clicked with her pen. "Was that all?"

"But we're not through with the.."

"I don't care. You've had plenty of time to get it done. This task was given to the station before you even got here and it's of importance that I have it by Tuesday."

Emma smiled and closed the door to Regina's office, before she turned around. "Madame Mayor, the mines are very dangerous, we all know that. If we don't hand in our paperwork with the utmost care, bad things could happen."

"Yes, and that is why I don't understand you're here, instead of working on said paperwork," Regina replied firmly. "Tomorrow, I want it here, on my desk. You can go now."

Emma looked her in the eyes and Regina tried not to budge as she stared right back at Emma. She felt her heart race pick up, slightly. As much as she hated Emma, Regina had to give her credit for making her life a bit more interesting. Hating Emma had become part of her routine, but at least it was refreshing.

Regina was relieved to see that Emma was about to turn around, until the woman quirked an eyebrow and smiled, smugly. "Is that Mal underneath your desk?" Emma looked at Regina's desk that, fortunately, had a covered back. Unfortunately, Mal was stupid enough to make herself seen.

"No," Regina said and kept her face blank. Mal was working on earning her forgiveness, but after this stupidity, it would get a whole lot harder for Regina to give that to her girlfriend.

Emma walked around Regina's desk and smirked. "Hi, Mal." Regina looked down at her girlfriend and groaned inwardly. She hadn't wanted Emma to see this. She hadn't wanted anyone to see this, but least of all Emma.

"Hi," Mal timidly responded. It was not the first time Mal was offering Regina some satisfaction during work hours, but it was the first time someone had caught them.

Regina felt Emma's warm hands on her shoulders and she tensed all her muscles. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest and the scowl on her face grew even bigger. Emma was standing behind her, but moved her lips to her ear.

"Don't be embarrassed, honey. I've seen you in far more compromising positions," the blonde woman said and Regina could practically hear her smirk. "I'll have the papers on your desk by Friday."

Regina clenched her jaw. "I hate you."

"Good. At least that feeling is mutual."


Regina still felt the embarrassment of earlier that morning in her whole body. She was eating dinner, even though she wasn't hungry, and she was desperately thinking of a plan to get back at Emma.

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