Chapter 8

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Back to the past...

Regina let out a loud sigh of relief as she closed her maths book. She'd finished her homework without a mental breakdown for a change and she longed to take a warm bath and pretend she didn't have to get up early for school tomorrow.

She was putting her books in her schoolbag when her phone buzzed. It was a text from a number her phone did not recognize and Regina frowned.

Are you doing anything tonight?

Regina cocked her head and looked at the clock on her wall. It was ten p.m.

Regina: Who is this?

The reply came quickly.

It's Emma.

Regina: How did you get my phone number?

Emma: I have my ways. Answer my question.

Regina: I'm not doing anything, why?

Emma: I'm in the mood for some company. Can I pick you up?

Regina immediately blushed. Emma was asking for her. She knew there wasn't a big chance her parents would let her out at this hour, but she could always try. She really wanted to hang out with Emma.

Regina: I'll ask my parents. Don't you want to hang out with your friends?

Emma: Looking for a different kind of company.

Regina bit her lower lip and she felt her hands tremble in anticipation. She hurried downstairs and found her father sitting on the couch. He was reading the newspaper and he always did that with his eyebrows furrowed.

"A friend of mine asked if I wanted to hang out with her for a moment. Can I?" She knew her father would say yes easier than her mother.

"At this hour?"


Henry pondered on the question for a minute and looked at his daughter. With a loud sigh, he nodded. "Alright, but don't wander outside on the streets and be home by eleven."

"Thanks, dad."

"Your homework is finished, right?"

Regina nodded and immediately grabbed her phone.

Regina: I'm free to go.

Emma: Good, because I'm waiting outside your house in the yellow bug.

Regina felt her heart pound loudly in her chest as she grabbed her coat. It was raining softly, but fortunately Regina didn't have to search long for Emma's car. It was a flashy one and she quickly got in the passenger seat.

"Oh." Emma sounded disappointed and Regina nervously ran her hand through her hair. The rain ticked loudly on the roof and Regina liked the sound of that. It made it cozier inside.

"What's wrong."

"Nothing. I just forgot that this.." she gestured at Regina's clothes, "is what you wear when you're not at a party."

Regina swallowed. She had nothing to say to that, because it was true. She wasn't very fashionable and she dressed for comfort. She was wearing her favorite hoody and loose, blue jeans. It was a basic outfit, she knew that, but it wasn't ugly.

Emma started the car and didn't say anything as she drove the car away from Regina's home. Regina suddenly felt nerves creeping up. She'd never been with Emma outside of parties or school. This was the first time they'd actively decided to hang out just the two of them.

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