Eyes x Visually Impaired Fem Reader

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Hey guys. I'm bored as all hell, so I'm just gonna make this up off the top of my head.

I'm basically Y/N because I'm visually impaired lmao. If y'all have any questions about my vision, I'd be happy to answer them.

Lemme answer several of them now.
Would glasses help? No. I've been to eye doctor after eye doctor, and the only thing glasses can "help" with is my nystagmus, But they barely do diddly squat.
Is there a surgery for you? No. Believe me, if there was, I would've already forced my insurance to cover it already.
What is nystagmus? The uncontrollable and involuntary movement of the eyes.
What's your eye condition? Lebers congenital amaurosis (LCA).

ANYWHO y'all didn't come here for my life story, so here's the random-ass one I'm gonna make up.


I wake up and immediately get onto my laptop. I open Roblox and join my private DOORS server. I always play first thing in the morning, if my 613 or so deaths isn't proof enough. I've probably contributed to 1 billion of the 4.1 billion visits, if I'm being completely honest. I go into a normal elevator and wait for the pre-run shop to appear with that amazing elevator music. However, when the game is loading to take me to the server, I start to feel dizzy. I rub my temples, but it doesn't help. I feel myself getting extremely lightheaded and drowsy, eventually slumping in my seat and falling into darkness.

I wake up to the DOORS elevator music blaring all around me and I clamber to my feet. Ah fuck. I knew this would happen eventually. I play this game so much, the developers decided to yeet me inside the game or something. I shrug and look down at the floor, noticing the four classic items lined up neatly along the wall to the right of the elevator doors. I reach down and grab all of them as the doors open, revealing the reception room.

I do the usual, crouching, more like ducking, under the arch in the luggage trolley and retrieving the key, before ducking back under and popping back up in front of the door. I slide the key into the lock, hearing the satisfying click of the lock with the beep of the door in sync. I push the door open and leave the key in the lock.I would be a cool souvenir if I managed to escape, but I don't wanna risk stealing a key from this hellish place even though they're replaceable...I think.

I walk through the first 8 rooms without issue before pain fills my chest when I open the ninth door. I grunt and clutch my chest, looking down. It feels like I've been stabbed, but much less painful. Nonetheless, it still hurts quite a bit. I notice a blurple glow and let out a tiny "oh" in a whisper. Eyes. It's Eyes.

I grumble something that no one will ever know under my breath and pull my H/C hair in front of my face so I can look around more without catching one of Eyes's 37 eyes...hopefully. I notice that the room is locked and cluck my tongue, entering the single bedroom in the middle of the wall on the left. I can now look up fully and start searching the room, looking for the key. I notice the blurple light filling the room from behind me and gasp, stumbling to my left to avoid the approaching entity. I look in the roll-top desk, but the key isn't there. Once again, I see blurple. I'm getting a little scared now, so I turn, looking down, and walk past a pair of glowing blurple feet. I exit the bedroom and look around quickly at all of the tables along the walls, but there's no key. 

Am I that blind? I've searched every-"

There's a tap on my shoulder. I gasp and jump, turning around on instinct. When I see Eyes's face, I immediately gasp again and squeeze my eyes shut, backing away with my hands up protectively. I open my eyes after angling my face to the floor, watching Eyes's feet stop about a foot away from mine. Something gold and shiny enters my field of vision, and I lift my head slightly to see what it is. Eyes is holding the key out to me. I take a step back, keeping my eyes downcast, but Eyes thrusts their hand forward, urging me to take the key. I swallow hard and slowly raise my hand towards Eyes's, my fingers taking a second to find the key due to my distance blindness. I grip the key loosely, and Eyes pushes it further into my hand gently, seemingly not wanting to hurt me. I close my fingers around the key, my fingers lightly brushing theirs. I flinch away, nearly dropping the key. But I manage to catch it before mumbling out a small "thank you".

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