Yandere Guiding Light (Male) x GN Reader

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I honestly have no idea how to start this header. I wanna be honest, but I don't at the same time. I'll just wait to tell y'all ig. But I'm gonna try to get more requests out. I'm almost moved into my apartment, but updates still may be slow. I will do my absolute best to make this chapter enjoyable to make up for my time away from the writing. I really do hope you guys enjoy this. 

This was requested by Your_localghost12345. Sorry it took so long. Here's your story!


As I enter a long hallway, I notice that the eyes that were in the past few rooms are gone, which can mean only one thing: It's time for the Seek chase. At least I'll have Guiding Light to help me. I begin to walk down the hallway, keeping my eye on the trigger spot. I reach it and hesitate for a second before I take that vital step.

I hear the sound you all know by now and don't even bother to turn around to stare Seek in his one eye. The door in front of me swings open and I immediately start sprinting. I crouch on the right and regain my footing, dodging the chair and the bookshelf. I crouch again and run to the next door. It swings open before I can crash into it and I see an almost blindingly bright blue light emanating from my right. Squinting my eyes, I run towards it. The door swings open and I almost trip over my feet when I notice that there's no debris all over the floor.

My pace slows for a second before I compose myself and run faster again. The door opens and again, there's an insanely bright blue glow coming from my left. I run to it and the next door opens, revealing the last hallway. I almost skid to a halt when the window doesn't shatter and I don't see any chandeliers on fire, hands coming out of the walls, or fallen bookshelves. I stagger forward in confusion and hear Seek approaching. Confused and thrown off, I start running again and make it to the last door with some distance between me and Seek.

As the door slams shut, I rest my hands on my knees and pant, trying to catch my breath and figure out what just happened. When I gather my breath, I continue through the next few rooms, still trying to understand the previous events. As I open door 0048, I come into that narrow hallway with bell carts. I dodge the first one and turn right, but am immediately seized by a glowing blue figure.

He grabs me around the waist and teleports me to a comfort room and sits me down on a bean bag chair. Yeah. They have bean bag chairs in this place. The guy sits down beside me and just stares at me, unblinking. I begin to blush with discomfort under his intense gaze and begin to fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

I suddenly realize who just kidnapped me. And it all makes sense now. The obstacles gone, the bright blue light. It's Guiding Light. I got kidnapped by the entity who's supposed to help me escape. That's-that's kinda contradicting.

"You're so gorgeous," he says, his suddenness of speaking almost causing me to jump out of my skin.

I continue to look away, too unnerved to respond. What is this guy's deal? He's supposed to help me out of here. Not delay my escape.

"I'm talking to you. Are you not going to acknowledge the compliment I just so graciously gave you?" He asks quietly, his tone aggressive.

I don't respond. Instead, I stare at the floor and hope that he just gives up and lets me be on my way. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be telling you this story if that were the case. He stands up and walks up to me, towering over me. He pins my shoulders to the wall and stares into my eyes with malice. I look up at him, my eyes full of confusion and a slight bit of fear.

"Answer me, human. I know you're not mute," he says, his tone growing more and more angry.

I figured that now's the time to respond to him, so I quickly manage to regain myself.

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