Another Kryptonian?

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"Another Kryptonian?" the Metropolis Star's headline screamed at Clark Kent, reporter from the Daily Planet. A blurry image of Fawcett's new protector, Captain Marvel, catching a falling plane, featured on the competition's front page.

Maybe he wasn't Krypton's sole survivor after all. Hope rose in Kal-el's heart. Perhaps somehow, another baby had survived the destruction of Krypton and ended up on earth, just like he did. The man looked around Clark's age. Kal's father wasn't the only scientist with the knowledge or capacity to carry out such a secret project. Captain Marvel could be the son of any of his father's colleagues.

The Captain had superstrength, flight and superspeed. Obvious Kryptonian powers, though Martians, Daxamites and several other races had these too.

The man operated in Fawcett. That's where he'd go to find answers.

Clark's heart hammered as he hovered above Fawcett city, hidden from curious eyes by the clouds. His eyes scanned the city for the big guy in red. His hopes soared at the possibility of finding fellow survivor. Family perhaps? From the blurry photos, he could see the resemblance.

Moment of truth.

Telescopic vision spotted The Captain walking along the road, carrying bags of groceries for a little old lady who reminded him of Ma.

"Captain Marvel," Superman called out, landing before his doppelgänger.

"S-superman?" Captain Marvel stared with his mouth wide open - a starstruck look that reminded Superman of a child facing his hero. It's a look Superman often received from kids, but not one he'd expect from a man of Captain Marvel's stature.

"I mean, Superman, how may I help you?" The Captain's deep baritone, brimming with confidence, snapped Clark back to reality.

"Call me Kal-el," Superman stretched his hand out, giving his Kryptonian name, hoping his fellow hero might respond in kind.

"Call me Cap," the man dazzled with his blinding smile. "This is Mrs. Jones. She lives down the road," he continued walking with bags of groceries in one hand, supporting the little old lady with the other.

"Mrs. Jones, pleased to meet you," Superman offered his hand to support the elderly lady. "Are you, his Ma?"

"Heavens, no," she laughed. "Captain Marvel is Fawcett's hero. He's Fawcett's son."

"Uh, nice to know that Mrs. Jones," Superman, shuffled along, feeling rather awkward. "So, would you like a ride home?"

"Did you drive?" The lady asked.

"I could fly you there," Superman replied, impatient to get her out of the way so that he could talk to the man in private.

"Cap's already offered a flight, but I have to say no," the lady grimaced. "I'm scared of heights."

"I could carry you, so you don't have to walk," Superman offered.

"Hands off young man," she snapped. "I have two good legs and can walk myself home."

"Go easy on him," Captain Marvel chortled. "He's not from around here."

"No, I'm actually from Krypton," Superman smiled, hoping Captain Marvel could get the hint.

"Krypton. I'm so sorry dear," Mrs. Jones held Superman's gaze. "I read that you lost everything when your home world exploded."

"I was an infant when that happened." Superman replied, supporting the lady's weight while allowing her the dignity to walk on her own. "My first memories were here on earth."

The lady led them to the lobby of an apartment building. "Home's here," she grinned. "Thanks for helping me out," she nodded first at Captain Marvel, then at Superman.

"Our pleasure," Cap saluted Mrs. Jones as the lady disappeared into the lift lobby.

"So, Superman," Captain Marvel's eyes bore through Superman. "What brings you to Fawcett?" He could have sworn lightning sparked in those brilliant blues.

"I came to meet you," Superman replied. "I believe we have much in common. Care to fly with me for a chat?"

The pair took off, cruising through the clouds. "I'm from Kansas," Clark offered. "Where are you from?"

"I thought you were from Metropolis," Captain Marvel tilted his head.

"I grew up in Kansas then moved to Metropolis to find a job," Clark ducked an incoming pigeon.

"What kind of job?" Cap raised his eyebrow, scrutinizing him.

"Let's say I'm in the news business," Superman shrugged. "Helps me keep an eye on events around the world that might need my help."

"Makes sense," Cap hummed.

"What about you?" asked Clark.

"Me?" Cap patted his own chest. "I'm a Fawcett boy. Been there all my life."

"Before that," Clark probed.

"I don't remember anything before Fawcett," Cap frowned. "But my parents were into research, exploring new places."

That made sense to Clark. Although the Science Council rejected Jor-el's claims that Krypton was about to explode, a few scientists believed his father. These secretly searched surrounding planets for a place they could seek refuge in. There were no records of space travel, but like his father, someone could have found Earth and built an escape pod.

"I know what you mean," Kal-el reached out and patted his companion's arm. "What's..."

An explosion interrupted their conversation.

A giant robot the size of a skyscraper stormed the streets outside the museum. If Clark correctly recalled there's an exhibit with jewels worth millions. A distraction.

With his x-ray vision, he saw a cleaner duck through the exit with a bag of jewels.

"Can you handle the robot while I go after the actual thief?" Clark asked Cap. "There's no one inside so you can throw it into the sun."

"Can I fight the robot?" Cap's face lit up like a child in a candy store. "Boy oh boy," he rubbed his hands with glee. "Oh yeah!"

With that, Captain Marvel, flew through the robot, tearing off its arm. The robot's eyes shot red light at him – Red Solar Energy!

Before Superman could warn his new friend, Captain Marvel struck the robot's head with the arm, sending it flying off its body. Then flying in the path of the red light, he caught the robot head before it could hit the ground.

The robot's body swayed. Its chest emitted more red solar energy bathing Captain Marvel in it. Oblivious to the rays that would depower any Kryptonian, Captain Marvel caught the body with one hand, the other still holding onto the head, he threw the robot's head and body into the sun. "Bull's eye!" he pumped the air with his fist.

Superman caught the Toy Man before he could escape. By the time he gave his statement to the cops, his new friend, Captain Marvel was long gone. He recognized that man's heart beat, but try as he might, he couldn't hear it. It was as if Captain Marvel had vanished from the face of the earth.

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