The Al Ghul Connection

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"Nonsense son." Bruce's warm fatherly tone sounded weird, coming out of Batman's mouth.

Billy bristled. He never agreed to be Bruce's son. Or a Robin. He continued this charade because his reporter instinct's screaming about Bruce's Al Ghul connection. Superman and Captain Marvel are banned from Gotham, as are all metas. The only way he could dig up the necessary information was by staying undercover as Billy.

Bruce ruffled Billy's hair. "You're perfect for the role." Adrenaline spiked as he watched Damian reach for a dagger.


The blade struck Billy's stomach before anyone could react.

"Ooof!" Billy doubled over from the impact of the dagger, thankful for the Whiz armour that withstood the Assassin's dagger.

"Billy!" Bruce caught him before he hit the ground while Dick held Damian back.

"Damian! You're grounded. Dick, see to it he stays in his room," Batman barked.

"I'm alright," Billy wheezed. "I promised Mister Morris I'd wear Whiz armour all the time I'm here." His sweater's torn and the dagger's damaged the armour but it protected him from getting anything beyond a bad bruise.

"Hmmph," sounding every bit the Dark Knight, Bruce examined Billy's armour, impressed. "Useful upgrades to incorporate into our costumes."

"Whiz tech's better than Bat tech?" Billy couldn't resist that jibe.

"I'll have a word with your boss," B's lips twitched in the semblance of a smile. "Your Robin costume will be doubly reinforced for protection."

"Wait, B. I can't be Robin," Billy protested.

"All you lack is training," Batman squeezed his shoulder. "Once you've completed BRT, you'll be fine."

"BRT?" Billy had never heard of such an acronym.

"Basic Robin Training." B replied.


Billy gritted his teeth as he punched the bag, ducking before it could hit him back. The things he goes through to get the story.

"Great going Baby B," chirped Dick, the first Robin, pinching Billy's cheeks, before handing him a protein shake from Agent A.

"I'm not a baby," Billy pouted, accepting Alfred's delicious concoction.

"Sorry about your armour," Dick sat beside Billy, sipping his drink.

"It's okay. Happens all the time," Billy shrugged.

"B. doesn't tolerate killers. He threatened to send Damian back if he ever pulls that stunt again," Dick pulled him into a sweaty, smelly hug.

"Why did the Al Ghuls send him here?" Billy studied Dick, noting the man seemed as open as ever. Or was that an act? "They lead the League of Assassins. Talia's father is the Demon head."

"Bad girl is bonkers over good guy, I guess," Dick frowned. "B. has that effect on the ladies. Talia probably wants him to bond with Bruce and worm her way back into his life through their son."

Billy snorted.

As Captain Marvel, he'd heard of Nightwing's reputation as the lady killer.


Dick still didn't answer his question. Maybe the Al Ghuls sent Damian as a spy. Batman would have intel on the entire Justice League as well as methods to take down every known hero. The international terrorist would have use for such intel.

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