The League's New Member

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Tiny little Billy followed the map on his shiny new Justice League communicator, skipping with every step. His heart danced at the thought of becoming a member of the Justice League. Batman had sent him the schedule. Captain Marvel was to meet Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the Watchtower in an hour. He'd seen the satellite orbiting earth and always wondered what it was like inside the League's cool Headquarters.

The route brought him through a familiar neighborhood. He'd moved out of the abandoned building to an apartment opposite Whiz Network's main radio station.


His hair stood on the end.

That voice.

"So, Whiz Kid?" Biff blocked his path.

"Hi, Biff," Billy tried to walk around him.

"Where are you going?" Biff smirked. "Too good for us now?"

"I've got to go," tiny Billy ducked under the youth's legs and ran.

"Oh? Too high and mighty for us now?" Ricky emerged from the shadows and caught Billy.

"You're a big shot now. Loaded," hand around Billy's neck, he lifted Billy off the ground. The tiny boy couldn't breathe. He pulled Billy's wallet out of his pocket. "We'll take this as protection money."

Opening it, the youth found a ten-dollar bill.

"That's all you got?" Ricky threw the boy against the wall.

A sharp blow on his head sent him crying in pain as the older boys ran off laughing.

The Justice League. He'll be late!

Head spinning, he croaked, "Shazam."

Thunder roared.

Lightning struck.

*Justice League Watchtower*

Tap, tap, tap.

Ronnie Raymond, a.k.a. Firestorm dipped his hand into the bag of chips, watching Netflix in the Watchtower lounge.

"Someone's at the window," Professor Martin Stein, the now intangible other half of Firestorm nagged.

"We're in outer space," Ronnie rolled his eyes, popping another handful of chips into his mouth.

"He's calling you," Professor Stein continued. "Go see what he wants."

"No one would be there," Ronnie muttered.

"Just go," the annoying voice in his head wouldn't let up.

"Whatever," Ronnie shrugged. Chucking the now empty bag aside, he walked to the window.

Tap, tap, tap.

A big guy in red, more muscular than Superman himself, knocked on the window of the watchtower, in the vacuum of outer space. "Let me in," he mouthed, pointing to the Justice League Communicator in his hand. "I'm supposed to meet Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in five minutes."

At least that's what the Professor told him, reading the big guy's lips.

The lightning bolt emblazoned across his chest gave away his identity.

"Captain Marvel?"

Oh yeah, Justice League's new recruit.

Apparently, instead of taking the teleporter, the guy flew right up to the satellite orbiting Earth.

There's an airlock down the corridor for show-offs like that.

He pointed and walked down the corridor. Captain Marvel understood, flying alongside him on the other side of the wall.

"Thanks, dude," Captain Marvel grinned, staring at his hair as he walked through the door. "Say... Did you know your hair's on fire?"

"Yeah. It's part of my hero look," Ronnie rolled his eyes.

"Cool," the herculean man's grin reminded him of a little boy. Shrugging off his wild imagination, he walked The Captain to the entrance of the Teleporter Room. Superman, Batman and Diana sat in the waiting area. "Captain Marvel's here."

"You flew?" Batman scrutinised the man.

"Yeah. I couldn't get to the teleporter. Flying up here is a lot easier," the wall of muscle shuddered.

"Why not?" Batman asked.


*Watchtower Lounge*

Barry watched the trio walk into the room. Justice League's new recruit and powerhouse, Captain Marvel, skipped in with Zan and Jayna, brilliant blue eyes sparkling with wonder. The big guy's unbridled exuberance reminded him of a little kid. He thought the man would have more in common with Superman, but apparently, Big Red had more in common with kids!

Firestorm joined the trio, plopping into a couch.

"I'm already eighteen and they still treat me like a Junior member of the League," he fumed.

"You are a Junior member," Zan replied. "At least that's better than us – Heroes in training."

"We'll get to be Junior members when we turn eighteen in earth years," Jayna replied. "Which isn't fair. Hal and Barry who are in their what, twenties? Thirties? They're the immature ones in the League."

"At least you don't have to deal with this," Firestorm nudged Captain Marvel. "They rolled the red carpet out for you and made you a core member right away."

"That's cos he's their age," Zan shrugged. "We got powers too."

"How old are you by the way?" Jayna asked the Captain.

"Nine," the Captain's face turned as red as his uniform.

"There you are, Captain," Wonder Woman, one of the League's founders barged in. "I could sense my father's power in you."

"Your father?" Captain looked down at the Amazon who towered over everyone else.

"Zeus," she replied.

"Ah, the lightning dude," Captain Marvel's dimpled grin looked too boyish for his rugged face.

Wonder Woman burst into laughter. "Father's going to be pissed if he ever hears that."

She wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"I heard you're nine," she jostled the red-faced Captain.

He stared on the ground so hard that if he had heat vision, he'd burn a hole in it.

"That makes you seven thousand years older than me," she smirked. "I'm only two." Looking at the confused trio, she explained. "We immortal demigods count our ages in the thousands."

Hooking her arm around Captain Marvel's she led him away. "Come big brother. I'll show you around."

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