Chapter 15: A buggy instinct

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Allen, who has transformed into some kind of bug alien (not Stinkfly), meanwhile Okaru struggling against Dark Jiren and Dark Infinite. "This is new. I've never seen this guy before, but it'll have to do for now," Allen said as he ran over to the others to try to help Okaru in the fight, but Dark Infinite is using the phantom ruby to push Allen back away as he stops himself before falling off the edge of the island. "That device you wear is interesting, but it won't save you from us," Dark Infinite said as Allen replied, "Oh yeah, what makes you think you can stand up against... uh... Bug hero? No. Heroic roach? That sounds nasty," Dark Infinite uses the phantom ruby to summon cannons and start shooting at Allen. Allen kicks every single one away from him as they explode in the distance as he says, "Justice Bug," he jumps toward Dark Infinite and kicks him at the face, sending him flying as Allen lands on the ground and chases Dark Infinite down. Meanwhile, Okaru gets off the ground as he transforms into Super Saiyan blue and punches Dark Jiren as he is taking the hits like their doing nothing to him. "Pathetic. Weak Saiyan, " Dark Jiren said as he grabbed Okaru by the throat and started choking him. Allen sees them and immediately rushes over to save him. "Never fear, because I-" Allen said as Dark Jiren throws Okaru at Allen, Dark Infinite using the phantom ruby to bring a large chunk of a mountain and squashed them. "These fools thought they could take us on together, but Riegerfisc is getting desperate when it comes to breaking the barrier to the Fourth Wall, and when he succeeds, everything you cared about will be forever gone and there will only be Riegerfisc and the new world he's promised us," both Dark Jiren and Dark Infinite said synchronised as if their the same person, Allen kicks the mountain into pieces then says, "That's why we cannot let you win! Okaru, you ready to kick their ass?" Okaru has an aura as he transforms into Ultra instinct, then replies, "Like hell yeah, I'm ready. You take on the weird crystal wielding creature, Jiren is all mine," Allen nodded his head as he kicked the air, launching himself at Dark Infinite, then wraps his legs around Infinite's head and spins around 60 times and slams him onto the ground. Okaru clashes with Dark Jiren as the two cause shockwaves as parts of the island are breaking apart, Allen jumps into the sky and floats up there for a minute, Okaru and Dark Jiren are about to fire energy attacks at each other. Justice Bug's armour changes from a green colour to a more golden look, and the red scarf turns cyan as Allen lifts up his left leg and is about to slam it down onto Dark Infinite's phantom ruby. "Justice..." Allen said as Okaru charges up his kamehameha, "Ka... me... ha... me..." Okaru said as Dark Jiren fired his energy blast at Okaru. Meanwhile, Dark Infinite is about to fire an enormous energy gun, strong enough to destroy an entire city with a single shot. "Kick!!" Allen said as he stormed down to Dark Infinite as his left leg was scorching hot, Dark Infinite fired the energy gun as the beam and Allen's left leg clash. Okaru combines the kamehameha with the spirit Bomb technique "Ha!" Okaru said as he fired the kamehameha as some energy from plants around the world gave the blast a boost as it went through Dark Jiren's energy blast and made a direct hit on Dark Jiren as he fades away. Allen hits the Ultimatrix as he goes ultimate, and his left leg kicks the energy beam back at Dark Infinite as the island below gets destroyed as Allen falls to the water below until a portal opens as Allen falls into it and face plants on the ground as Okaru flies out of the portal and lands safely. Darron, Xando, Mike, Kevin, Anglena, and Rendy are standing in front of them. "How long were you all standing here?" Okaru asked as Rendy replies, "We only just arrived. " Darron said as he opened up the book of secrets to find out where exactly they are, but unfortunately, nothing is appearing on any of the pages as if nothing really exists. "Strange, very strange. There's nothing here except... nothing..." Darron said as he's concerned about where they currently are. "What do you mean by nothing?" Anglena asked as Darron explained that the book of secrets usually shows at least a map of the entire universe, but nothing is coming up on any of the pages as if there's nothing here. "This has never happened before, and without a map to tell me where we are. So basically, what I'm saying is that the Book of Secrets is completely useless here," Darron said as the others begin trying to figure out where they are but there's nothing to see, an empty void that has nothing in it except them. Rendy tried using his scanner, and the same results were just nothing, which then made Rendy rather curious "If there is nothing here, then what exactly are we standing on? If there was nothing here to stand on, then we'd be falling right now into nothing for who knows how long. Since we're not falling, there's clearly something here, but it's belo-" Rendy falls through the ground as the others fall down with him. They land on their feet to see Riegerfisc standing in front of some forcefield, and on the other side of the forcefield is a door with text reading the Fourth Wall. "So you've shown up to the Fourth Dimension, a void of nothing but energy ready for me to absorb it. Soon, I'll break the barrier and go through the Fourth Wall! Your time is up!" Riegerfisc said as it's tentacles attack Darron and the others as they try to defend themselves, but nothing works. Mike's Greninja uses Aerial Ace but gets captured and thrown back at Mike "Justice kick!" Allen said as he transformed back human as the tentacles grabbed Allen and threw him into the ground. "Hate it when it times out," Allen said as Rendy morphed his hands into blades and ran at one of the tentacles and tried to cut it, but the blades broke as soon as they hit. Riegerfisc's tentacle hits Rendy away as Anglena attempts to electrocute Riegerfisc, but he smacks her away before she could do it. Kevin summons a sword made of bones while Xando and Okaru rush in as Riegerfisc hits them away, sending them both crashing into Rendy and Anglena. Kevin swings his bone sword at Riegerfisc as he barely dodges it, Riegerfisc's tentacle grabbed Kevin and started slamming him onto the ground several times, and throws him at Allen who just got up off the ground. Riegerfisc then looks at Darron as he remembers what he saw in his nightmare before he first encountered Riegerfisc as he says, "You really thought you could defeat me? I have surpassed all of you, and now it's your turn to say goodbye, Darron." Riegerfisc charges toward Darron as he is just about to summon a weapon until a portal opens in between them, a white-haired man jump out of the portal and swings his swords at Riegerfisc as he instantly backed up in fear "Well if it isn't my old friend Darron? It's been a year since we last saw one another. How have you been?" The white-haired man wearing a red coat asked as Darron recognises who he is."Dante?! What the fuck brings you out here?" Darron asked surprised to see him again.

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