Chapter 3: Human monster soul and a metal hedgehog

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Darron and Xando arrive in an empty void of white as they are confused about why there is absolutely nothing "Why is there nothing here? It's just white" Darron said as Xando sees something in the distance with Observation, a black haired man wearing a coat sitting on the ground. They make their way towards the man then says "Whoever you two are, leave now before I have to kill you both. I'm not in the mood for visitors so if you know what's best for you two just leave" Darron and Xando stop in their tracks as they notice one of the shapeshifter's tentacles cut off and is laying next to the man "Where did you get that tentacle from?" Darron asked as the man replies "Some creature with tentacles came here not long ago and took my brother's soul away from me so I cut one of it's tentacles off then it went into a portal and here we are. Do you know this creature?" The man said. Xando and Darron are shocked that this man managed to cut one of the shapeshifter's tentacles off while both of them struggled to do it "A friend of mine knows about this creature and in fact it's causing a lot of issues for him so he got me to help him get rid of this shapeshifter. It's trying to absorb some powerful things in the multiverse so that it can destroy the multiverse, he's not sure about why it's doing this" Darron said as the man stands up and says "Destroy the multiverse huh? I guess that would be important for your friend, along me to introduce myself. The name's Kevin, I'm a human with a human monster soul in other words I have half of both souls and I have certain abilities that works for either part of the soul or maybe both" Darron and Xando introduces themselves to Kevin as Xando asks Kevin why is there nothing in the universe and what happened to it "That's a long story to be honest and also this is one of the many universes of Undertale. I am an Au of two characters named Sans and Chara, my brother is the Au of Papyrus and Frisk. I am the hero in this universe well what used to be one before it was erased on accident, A skeleton named Gaster wanted to use my brother and I to take over the underground but we refused so he killed my brother along the King Asgore. I was furious so I killed him but doing so I accidentally pressed the erase button and erased the whole universe except my brother's soul and myself, a week later I met one of the other Au's then my adventure through all of the other universes of Undertale began and I grew stronger than ever. The rest of the story I'll save for another time, you said that shapeshifter is after powerful things which means my brother is one of those things. My brother is still alive thanks to his soul being in a container and I won't rest until I find a way to bring his body back" Kevin said as a portal opens leading into the universe of Sonic the hedgehog so Darron, Xando and Kevin walk through the portal as they sees complete chaos. Innocent lives screaming in terror as fire spreads across the village "That bastard, he's going to pay for this" Darron said as they rush into the scene to find the shapeshifter along helping those in need, Kevin uses his bones to lift the rubble off the innocents so they can escape while Xando and Darron deal with the shapeshifter. They found where the shapeshifter is only to find it fighting a red metal hedgehog with something written on the back of the head 'R-3725 Ver 7.0' the metal hedgehog struggles to stand as one of it's arms are gone "You'll never get away with this...I won't allow it...Chaos Control!" The metal hedgehog said as he vanished into thin air and reappears behind the shapeshifter "It blocked each attack...but how did it see through Chaos Control?!" The metal hedgehog asked as the shapeshifter's tentacles grabs the hedgehog by the leg and begins to absorb it's power but then Xando punches the shapeshifter at the face before it began absorbing. The attack didn't scratch the shapeshifter as it smacks Xando away sending him flying at one of the houses, the shapeshifter continues to absorb the metal hedgehog's power as Darron shoots it with a pistol but nothing is hurting it then sees the metal hedgehog winked at Darron as he understood what it's about to do and backs away. The shapeshifter continues absorbing then realized it's not doing anything "Did you forget I'm a machine? Your absorbing trick won't work on me thanks to my enchanced metal body" the metal hedgehog said as the shapeshifter grabs onto the metal hedgehog's chest where a crystal is stored and absorbs the power from the crystal then slams it into the ground then heads off to the next universe. A few hours later, a fox robot starts repairing the metal hedgehog's arm "Thanks for helping the civilians escape the village, I owe you three a lot. But that thing took some of my crystal's energy, you guys aren't from around here right? Xando, Darron and Kevin correct? I'm Model R-3725 Ver 7.0 but you can call me Rendy" Rendy said as the others were shocked that Rendy knew their names before they could introduce themselves "Your probably wondering how does Rendy know our names? You see my scanners allow me to know the names of whoever I scanned which I just did a few minutes ago, so where are you guys from anyway?" Rendy asked as Xando replies "We're from other universes and that shapeshifter is absorbing power from powerful beings or objects to gain more power until it has enough to destroy the multiverse" Rendy's digital eyes change into stars as Rendy excitingly says "I never knew that there would be universes and being in a multiverse sounds cool! Mind if I tag along? There are so many other models around the whole world protecting along helping Sonic and his friends, I can get someone to take my place until I return" the three agree for Rendy to come along with them as he gets even more excited. Darron, Xando, Kevin and Rendy start making their way to the next universe of My Hero Academia as a portal opens and they walks through it, meanwhile in MHA (My Hero Academia), a girl runs over the rooftops chasing a group of criminals in a van "You boys won't get away so easily" she said as she touches the ground and jumps down in front of the van then her body turns solid as a rock and the van crashes into her unharmed from the impact. A little while later after arresting the criminals she received a call from one of the other heroes who need her assistance with a mysterious creature attacking at one of the malls, she touchs a street fuse box as electricity sparks around her and runs at incredible speeds.

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