Sunflower fields

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Gus pov
I ran back outside as soon as we were done, Matt had already left. I felt horrible, why didn't I just say no to Luz or told Matt to wait. He probably wouldn't have listened. Titan I'm so stupid. I got home and just lied down staring at my ceiling. All I could think about was Matt, why didn't I just tell him i felt the same right there and then. I don't know what it would have done but maybe it would've made us both feel better.
I hesitated when I checked my phone. My screen, a photo of Matt and I, I managed to get on his birthday illuminated my face. A string of notifications popped up at the bottom
"I'm sorry about tonight"
"You don't have to respond or anything"
"You don't even have to talk to me"
"I just wanted to say sorry"
"And my feelings for you are true but I don't want that to get in the way of our friendship if you'd still have me as your friend that is"

My stomach dropped I felt horrible. Texting him felt to insincere I wanted him to know that I mean what I say. He's my best friend and I don't want anything to change that
Matt pov
That's all my text conversation with Gus said. I expected it. I can't go to school tomorrow after what just happened. Especially when every other class I have is with Gus. I wanted to escape reality for ever. I remembered a trick I had learned in class to essentially do just that. I shut my eyes tight as I could and thought hard. When I had reawakened them I was met with the peacefulness of a sunflower field. My bed had now been a grassy patch surrounded by tall stalks of these bright flowers on all sides of me. Though I had done this to get Gus off my mind, he was all I could think about. I quickly snapped out of it from a nose bleed.
*im not strong enough to hold that very long*
I made my way to the bathroom looking at the time as I got up
As I cleaned up my nose and watched as the blood dripped into the sink Gus was still the only thing on my mind. I can't believe I just ruined everything.

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